Chapter 6

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Rayla's POV
Warning: Self harm

Rayla got up from her corner at five, her usual time to get up. She panicked, but calmed down once she realized where she was. Alpha Jayden was still sleeping on the bed, hugging a pillow.

Rayla didn't know if she was allowed to use the bathroom, so instead she opened the door she assumed was the way out. When she got into the hallway, she went down the stairs and found the living room. This house was almost as big as the Half Moon pack house, so she assumed it was Alpha Jayden's pack house and his pack was just smaller. Otherwise, it could have been his Alpha house, but from what she remembered Alpha's lived in the pack house until they found their mates, and Alpha Jayden didn't seem like he had found his mate yet.

Rayla noticed that the living room was messy, and there were some spiderwebs in the corners. Standing in the middle of the room, she got to work. Because she had to use her blood for her abilities, the Half Moon pack had kept her nails sharp, so she could easily scratch herself and draw blood.

When there was enough blood dripping down her arm, she cast the spell, and the whole room became as clean as if it had never been touched before. She did this to all the other rooms on the first floor, and the second floor (Alpha Jayden was on the third floor and she was scared to go near him). In all of her old packs, after she had lost so much blood she was allowed to go outside, and she really loved being outside, so she hoped it would be the same in this pack. She had not been introduced to the pack yet, but she assumed she must smell like Alpha Jayden to any werewolf, and she would try not to be seen by anyone. When she stepped outside, she noticed two things. One, that there was another, bigger house, beside the Alpha's house, which must be the pack house, so she was just in the Alpha's private house, and two, that it was still morning (it must have been about five forty) so none of the other werewolves were outside yet.

She walked around the Alpha's house and climbed a small tree near it, making sure not to go too far and make them think she was trying to run away. But once she reached the top of the tree, she felt very lightheaded and realized she must have used too much blood. She decided to just lie down for a couple minutes. But as soon as she lay down, she fell asleep in the tree.

Alpha King's Abused Witch MateWhere stories live. Discover now