Chapter 12

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Rayla's POV

As Rayla hesitantly walked back to what she had learnt was Alpha Jayden's house, she thought about what Johnathan had said and smiled. He had encouraged her to try to get along with Alpha Jayden and try to be a good Luna for him, at least until he realised she was worthless and kicked her out.

Beta Alisa and her mate Issac, the pack doctor, were standing in the hall when she came in. Issac was unwrapping the bandages from her arms because they were already healed from when Alpha Jayden attacked her, but Rayla felt bad about it.

"Thank you for protecting me Beta Alisa, I'm sorry that you got hurt."

There was a pause, and for a moment Rayla was worried that they were mad at her and were going to hurt her, but the Royal Beta only walked towards her and put her hand on Rayla's shoulder.

"Of course, Luna Rayla. We all serve you and will do anything to protect you, you're even more important to us than the Royal Alpha."

She smiled and walked towards the door, but before she left she turned back to Rayla, who had a shocked look on her face, and added "Alpha Jayden woke up recently and went for a run in the forest, he should be back soon. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask anyone in the pack house. I have to go to the pack house and train the warriors, but I'll see you later."

Beta Alisa left, and Rayla looked toward where Issac was shuffling through his medical bag.

"Alpha was worried that you might be injured or suffering from malnutrition after being abused by the Half Moon pack. Would it be okay if I treated you, or would you feel more comfortable if I got one of our female doctors?"

Rayla considered his question, reminded of the injuries she still had. She could feel that her ankle was in pain from being thrown down the basement stairs, and she had cuts on her arms from her self inflicted injuries, but the worst pain was on her stomach where Alpha Kent had kicked her repeatedly a few days ago for spilling his beer on him.

"You can treat me." She allowed.

"Okay." He gestured towards the couch. "Would you mind sitting down?"

When Rayla was seated, he continued "You're human right? So you heal slower than us." It wasn't really a question, and she supposed she did have the same healing as a human unless she used her witch abilities, so she stayed quiet. "Do you have any pain anywhere?" He asked as he shone a flashlight in her eyes. When she nodded he looked concerned. "Can you show me where it hurts?"

Rayla took off her shoe slowly to reveal the makeshift bandage she had wrapped around her ankle to allow her to walk. As she unwrapped the cloth, Isaac knelt down beside her and examined it. When he touched it lightly, she flinched.

"Hmm... It seems like your ankle is sprained." He reached back into his bag and brought out a bandage and a splint. "I'm going to wrap and splint it, but you should try not to walk on it much, and when you do, walk carefully.

When he finished wrapping her ankle, he asked her if she felt pain anywhere else. She nodded and lifted her shirt so he could see the bruises on her stomach.

Issac cringed at the mess of blue and black, quickly getting out a cloth to clean the small cuts. Then he bandaged up her stomach and told her to be careful and not to hit the bruises on anything, and reassuring her that her mate would be back soon, he left. 

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