Chapter 13

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Rayla's Pov

With her unexpected freedom, Rayla decided to explore and clean the third floor of Alpha Jayden's house, where she hadn't cleaned before in fear of waking Alpha Jayden.

After a few minutes she came upon a small library. At her old pack, none of the wolves ever had a problem with her reading after she had done all of the chores, so she picked a book off the shelf called 'The Royal Pack: A History'.

She read for awhile, and learned about the history and creation of the Royal Pack, their customs, and the Alpha, Beta, and Delta family trees. She memorised all of the information easily due to her witch abilities, and then read other books about the enhanced senses of an Alpha werewolf, especially in the Royal pack, and the duties of the Royal Alpha and Luna.

The majority of Alpha Jayden's books were about the Royal Pack or being an Alpha, but he had a significant amount of books about mates. Rayla was curious so she read a few, but they were all about having a werewolf as a mate, and not a human or a witch. They suggested doing things like running in wolf form with your mate, or letting your wolves talk to each other and groom each other, and they made Rayla think about how disappointed Alpha Jayden must be not to have a werewolf as a mate, so she skipped them and read other books.

Absorbed in the books, she wasn't sure how long she had been reading for, but as she was finishing a book called 'The war against the humans in 1884', she felt strong arms suddenly wrap around her shoulders.

Rayla gasped and flinched away until she heard Alpha Jayden's voice in her ear.

"Sorry for sneaking up on you, I forgot you don't have werewolf senses." He chuckled.

She put down the book and slid out of his arms, and with a forced smile she mumbled "It's okay, sorry for reading your books".

"Please don't apologise, Rayla. As my mate and Luna of the pack, everything here is yours as much as it is mine. No one's going to get mad or punish you for doing anything, and you can do whatever you want as long as you're not injuring yourself." He smiled sadly. " Issac told me a bit about what it might have been like in your old pack, so I just want you to know that this pack is nothing like that and you will always be safe here. We have no omegas here and we treat everyone equally, human and wolf alike."

"Thank you." Rayla felt herself smile for the first time in a few years. Maybe Alpha Jayden was right and werewolves could be kind and fair, and not just power hungry beasts. Still, she doubted they would accept her if they knew she was a witch, so she had to pretend she was a human.

Alpha Jayden stood up and moved towards the door.

"There's a pack dinner in two hours at the pack house, but if you're not comfortable enough to go we can eat here. Just come down when you're ready. Also, you look beautiful when you smile"

He grinned at her before exiting the library.

Alpha King's Abused Witch MateWhere stories live. Discover now