Chapter 7

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Jayden's POV

Jayden woke up, reaching over to cuddle his mate, when he realized she wasn't beside him. He sat up quickly and looked around the bedroom. She wasn't there, and by her smell it seemed like she had left a while ago.

Jayden was worried, and he already missed Rayla, so he went down stairs to look for her, but as he came down he immediately realized two things.

First of all, the house seemed strangely clean, and because he always cleaned it himself but he had been putting that off, it should have been a bit dirtier.

But he forgot about that after noticing the second thing. Jayden could smell Rayla's blood, which was especially potent as he was the Alpha King, and Rayla was his mate.

As he searched through all of the rooms for her, he noticed the scent of her blood was everywhere, as if she had been bleeding in each room.

He was really distressed and started to search more frantically, when suddenly he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, out the window. Looking closer, he saw his mate in one of the trees near his house and the pack house.

Quickly he ran outside and rushed towards her, and she seemed to just be waking up.

Jayden had been so scared that someone had kidnapped his mate, and when he smelt her blood his worry had just increased, so when he ran towards her and realized she was safe, he could only feel relief, and anger.

Jayden reached his mate just as she got down from the tree, and he grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to his house. Once they were inside, he turned around to face her.

"Why didn't you wake me up! I didn't know where you were! What if you had gotten hurt!"

Then he hugged her and sniffed her, trying to calm his wolf down. He was so concentrated on her scent that he hadnt noticed she had flinched.

"I-I'm sorry Alpha K-king" she whispered.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you." He sighed "And please, call me Jayden."

When Jayden released Rayla, he realized she had a fresh cut on her arm. He asked her where she got it and who had hurt her, but she just looked at him questionably until he gave up. He brought her to the bathroom and cleaned and bandaged her wound.

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked when he was finished.

Rayla didn't answer, so he led her to the kitchen, and told her to sit at the table.

Then, he cooked two omelettes, one for him and one for Rayla. When he set it in front of her, she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Do you not like omelettes? He asked.

"N-no! It's fine!" She stuttered, and began to eat the omelettes as quickly as possible. "Thank you A-Jayden."

When they were both done, Rayla stood up and took both their plates, bringing them to the kitchen and started to clean them.

"Can I help?" Jayden asked. "Here, I'll dry them."

While they were washing the dishes, Rayla broke the silence. "Is there anything else you want me to clean today?" She asked him quietly.

But before he could answer, the front door was flung open and two men walked into the room, laughing.

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