Chapter 15

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TW: Self harm (not graphic)

Rayla was overwhelmed, but also relieved. When she and Alpha Jayden had walked into the dining room the whole royal pack had surrounded her, asking her questions and complimenting her. Some of the pack members were surprised to hear that she wasn't a werewolf but they reassured her that they had had human Luna's in the past, and that there were a few other humans in the pack who were mated to werewolves.

When Alpha Jayden saw she was a bit overwhelmed by all the people, he suggested they start eating, and lead Rayla to a seat beside him.

Upon seeing the food, Rayla realised that she was really hungry, but stopped herself, not knowing if she was allowed to eat. She had already eaten breakfast, and she wasn't usually allowed more food than that.

When the pack started to eat, Alpha Jayden looked over at her worriedly.

"Why aren't you eating, Rayla? Do you feel okay?"

Rayla hesitated before answering. "I-I'm okay. Thank you for the food." Then she started eating, surprised but thankful that he was letting her eat, and at the table with the pack no less.

_ . _ . _ . _

Later, when Rayla had eaten as much as she could and the other pack members had finished, they walked back to Alpha Jayden's house. They walked through the front door, and the first thing they saw was the bright pink, glittering hallway. Rayla gasped, surprised at how fast Julia and Delta Johnathan had worked, and then looked at Alpha Jayden worriedly.

Alpha Jayden was clenching his jaw and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Whoever did this will regret the day they were born." He growed.

Rayla flinched. What was he going to do if he found out his sister and Delta were the culprits? Would he hurt them? Should she pretend she did it to protect them? No, Alpha Jayden would know she was lying. Just when she was about to start panicking, he sighed and walked down the hall towards the stairwell. "I'll deal with it tomorrow, it's getting late, let's go to bed now." Rayla followed him upstairs.

_ . _ . _ . _

When she woke up, Rayla was surprised to find that she had slept at all, with the Alpha beside her. The sun had already started to shine through the window, and Alpha Jayden was gone, though there was a note on the side table.

Good morning, Rayla

I had to leave early to deal with some rogue problems, but I hope to be able to join you later today. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask anyone in the pack, or you can find me in my office in the pack house. Feel free to do whatever you'd like, just please don't leave the pack grounds.

Your mate, Jayden

Rayla felt herself smile a bit as she read the note. It seemed like Alpha Jayden did care about her, at least enough to write a note and say she was free to do almost anything. Good thing he didn't know she was a witch. If she continued to pretend she was a human, maybe she could even be happy here.

She went down stairs and towards the kitchen, but stopped in the hallway, still bright pink and covered in glitter. If she cleaned it up, maybe Alpha Jayden would forget his promise to punish Julia and Delta Johnathan. Yes, she decided, she needed to do something about it, even if she would be ruining all of their work, they would be grateful to avoid punishment. She also wanted to do something nice for Alpha Jayden.

She searched the house for white paint or some other way of getting the pink off the walls, but she found nothing. She returned to the hallway apprehensively, with a kitchen knife. Closing her eyes and drawing blood from her arm, she willed her magic to clean and reverse the effects of the paint and glitter. As it finished, she opened her eyes again, and found herself looking into the eyes of a large, black-furred wolf.

Alpha King's Abused Witch MateWhere stories live. Discover now