Chapter 9

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Rayla's POV

Rayla sat on a couch beside the royal Beta Alisa, Delta Johnathan, and the pack doctor Issac. When she had asked Issac where Jayden had gone, he had told her that he was angry with her pack for hurting her and went to get revenge. Rayla was surprised. He was angry because they hurt her? Wasn't he going to hurt her?

Then, a girl had come into the room and introduced herself as Alisa, the royal Beta and Isaac's mate. Rayla felt much more comfortable around her. They had started asking her questions, but for the most part they were easy and she answered them as well as she could.

"What is your favorite colour?" Alisa asked.

"Blue. What's y-yours?" She asked, feeling brave.

"I like the colour red." Alisa smiled.

But then, Alisa asked a question she definitely did not want to answer: "What is your wolf's name?"

Rayla breathed in sharply, feeling a panic attack coming. What should she tell them? What if they didn't like her after they learnt she wasn't a werewolf? What if they kicked her out, or worse, made her their slave? What if they killed her? Her life might be awful, but she didn't want to die.

She had already told them she was 16, and 16 is the age that werewolves get their wolves, so she couldn't tell them she hadn't got it yet.

She started to whimper and she could feel tears running down her face.

"Hey, what's wrong Luna?" Alisa asked.

"She appears to be having a panic attack." Issac looked at Alisa. "You should try to calm her down. Hopefully Jayden will be back soon, mates usually help calm eachother down."

Rayla panicked more. She was finally getting comfortable with Alisa, but being near Jayden still frightened her. Why did Jayden have to come back soon?

Alisa gently placed her hand on hers. "How can we help you? We'll do whatever you need us to."

Rayla did have one thing she enjoyed doing, and she didn't use her magic for. "C-can I cook p-p-please?" She whispered.

"Sure, if you want to."

They walked with her into the kitchen that she had cleaned earlier that day with magic and watched as she started making (insert your favorite food). When she was done, Rayla put three plates on the counter in front of them.

"Is this for us?' Johnathan asked. When she nodded he asked where her plate was. Jayden had already made her eat more food this morning than she would usually get in a day, and it wasn't making her feel very good, so she definitely didn't want to eat anything for lunch. When she told them she wasn't hungry, they slowly started to eat. After a few bites they stared at her wide-eyed.

"This is so delicious Luna! Thank you!" Alisa squealed and Issac and Johnathan nodded in agreement, smiling widely. They didn't notice Rayla's startled face because they started gulping down their food.

Rayla had never been complemented before on her cooking. She always used to make the Half Moon pack's dinner, but never once had she been thanked or been told that her food tasted good.

When Alisa looked up from her empty plate, Rayla had a bright smile on her face. It was the first time she had smiled since she had been with werewolves.

But her smile quickly disappeared when the front door was slammed open for the second time that day, and Alpha Jayden walked into the room, eyes black and covered in Alpha Kent's blood.

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