Chapter 16

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Rayla gasped, horrified that she had been caught using her ability. She stood in shock, holding her breath as the wolf turned and went into the living room. She heard the sounds of shifting, bones cracking, and fabric shuffling, and then Delta Johnathan walked out into the hallway. She quickly hid her slowly healing arm and the knife behind her back, and luckily Johnathan didn't notice.

"Oh my gosh Luna, that was so cool! I thought it would take ages to repaint the hallway! How did you do that?"

Rayla gaped at him, horrified. Didn't he know her abilities were a curse? Why was he smiling? Suddenly, the back door opened and Julia walked in with a bucket of white paint. Before Rayla could do anything, Jonathan was at the door, dragging Julia into the hallway.

"Julia, look! You won't believe it, it was like magic! When I came in, Luna Rayla's arms were up like this and all the pink paint was peeling off the walls and disappearing! I can't believe you missed it, it was so cool!"

Looking up and around at the white walls with disbelief, Julia frowned. "Is Johnathan really telling the truth, Luna Rayla? Or is he just messing with me?"

Delta Johnathan gasped in mock horror. "Me, telling lies? I would never! How could you! I thought we were friends!" He pretended to cry, falling to the ground and holding his head in his hands dramatically, but Julia ignored him. She stared quietly at Rayla, waiting for an answer.

Rayla wanted to lie, wanted to deny it, but wouldn't it be worse if they found out she had lied to them later? Perhaps, if she told them she was a witch, she could get them to keep it a secret.

"Y-yes, Delta Johnathan is right." She started nervously. "I was using my ability to reverse the effects of the paint, and remove it from the walls. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Luna, I'm not mad at you." Julia smiled gently. "I'm just surprised. You said you used magic... That's incredible. Does that mean you're a witch?" Rayla nodded hesitantly. Weren't they horrified that their Luna was an abomination? Why weren't they yelling at her and punishing her?

She looked over at Delta Johnathan, who was staring at her wondrously. "You can do magic? You're a witch? That's so cool!"

Julia seemed more concerned. "We thought all the witches were killed by humans. You might be the last of your kind. Were you scared to tell us because you thought we'd harm you? I assure you, nobody here will treat you any differently because you're a witch. Though, I suppose I can see why you'd be worried about that."

Rayla was still unsure. She looked pleadingly at them. "Please don't tell anyone else. At least not yet. They can't know."

Julia and Delta Johnathan thought for a moment.

"Okay, Luna Rayla, we won't tell anyone. We'll wait until your comfortable telling them yourself." Julia promised.

"But," Delta Johnathan grinned at her mischievously, "You gotta show us some more of your cool magic stuff."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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