Chapter 14

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After two more hours of reading and exploring upstairs, Rayla crept slowly downstairs, looking for Alpha Jayden. Instead she found his sister, Julia, and Delta Johnathan, painting his hallway a bright, neon pink. They noticed her as she approached them.

"Hey Rayla!" Julia grinned and waved her over. "We're painting Jayden's hallway pink, wanna help us? We have another brush."

Rayla walked over to her and took the brush, curious.

"Okay, but I haven't painted for a long time. Why are you painting the Alpha's wall?"

"Because we're pranking him." Delta Johnathan climbed up a ladder and began painting the ceiling as well. He's not very fond of the colour pink, and when he sees that someone painted this whole hallway pink, he'll be horrified."

"And we also have glitter that we're gonna stick to the walls." Julia smirked evilly. "It will be hilarious."

Rayla was alarmed, and it showed on her face. "Won't he be mad at you? What if he punishes you?"

Julia shrugged. "Well, as long as you don't tell him anything, he might suspect us but he has no proof."

Just then, the sound of the back door opening echoed through the house. Julia and Delta Johnathan froze. Then they both turned to Rayla with pleading eyes.

"Please, Rayla," Delta Johnathan whispered. "You gotta distract him before he comes in here and sees us." They both looked at her with pleading eyes.

Rayla could hear Alpha Jayden walking through the kitchen and towards the stairway. She really didn't want Julia and Delta Johnathan to get in trouble, and what if he beat them up or didn't allow them to eat for a few days? They might even blame her for getting them in trouble, and she really liked them and didn't want them to dislike her.

Making up her mind, she nodded at them silently and entered the kitchen, walking up to Alpha Jayden. He had been looking for her.

"There you are, Rayla. Are you ready for dinner? Have you decided if you would rather eat here or with the pack?"

Rayla was about to say she would prefer not to eat with the whole pack, but she realized that the longer the Alpha stayed in the house the more likely he was to hear or smell his sister and Delta.

Reluctantly, she smiled and replied "I would like to eat in the pack house, if that's okay with you."

Jayden said nothing, and when she finally looked up at him, he had the biggest grin on his face. Suddenly, he leaned down and hugged her tightly. She tensed up, confused, but relaxed when she realized he wasn't hurting her. After a few seconds of her just standing there awkwardly, he let go and stepped back.

"Sorry I didn't mean to alarm you. I was just happy that you wanted to eat with our pack. They're all very excited to meet you. Are you sure though? I don't want you to feel pressured."

Rayla was definitely not sure, but she nodded anyway. Alpha Jayden turned his head as if talking on his pack link, and then held out his hand to her.

"Okay, well they're ready to eat, so let's go."

Rayla took his hand and followed him out the door and towards the pack house, hesitant, but happy that she was helping Julia and Delta Johnathan.

Alpha King's Abused Witch MateWhere stories live. Discover now