chapter twenty three

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when i saw him my face got hot. "wassup" he spoke to me. "hi" i said back quietly. he made me nervous and i fucking hate it.

"what are you doing here?" i asked him. "i could ask you the same thing." he seemed mad.

"because i can." i said back as confidently as i could.

when i said that he stepped closer to me leaving barely any space between us. "i could say the same thing shorty." i looked at him, then his eyes, then his lips.

"take a picture baby, it'll last longer." he smirked.

"shut up." i looked back at him. he then whispered into my ear "make me."

and with that i slammed my lips onto his missing the feeling of his soft lips on mine. he kissed me back immediately and grabbed my neck firmly but softly. i wrapped my arms around his neck as his lips traveled to my jaw then slowly my neck.

i grabbed his face and kissed his lips needing more of him. he chuckled and continued to kiss me.

in this moment i couldn't care less about anyone else but us. after a while i let go and we both tried to catch our breaths. "um" was all i could manage to say and he just chuckled.

"your mine." was all he said before leaving the party.


ashtray pov:

i couldn't stop thinking about her and how fucking jealous i got when that dickhead asked for her instagram.

i decided to text her.


she wasn't responding, was she mad at me? fuck.

from scarlett: "hey"

when i saw her text i immediately responded "wyd"

she texted back "i'm getting ready to go to a party." a party? who's? some guy? why the fuck do i give a shit?

i texted her back almost too fast. "who's?"

she texted back "maddys."  thank fucking god.

i replied "ok" and that was that our conversation ended.

i went to knock on fez's door because i was going to that damn party. i needed to see her, to have a real fucking conversation with her.

i knocked on his door. after a few minutes he opened it. "wassup ash."

"yo i need you to drive me to maddys party." i said. "man what? since when do you care to go to party's?" he asked me genuinely curious.

"since i found out scarlett was going." i looked at him. 

he fucking laughed. "stop fucking laughing." i said through my teeth.

"alright man chill, i'll take your stupid ass." he tried to catch his breath.


we got to the party and i got out of the car. i walked up to the door and opened it immediately looking for her.

after searching the house i saw her, she was in the kitchen with gia getting a drink.

i stayed there for a minute eyeing her down. she looked good. the outfit showed off her curves and the heels put the whole fucking thing together.

her hair

after staring at her she left the kitchen, i was walking up to her but she wasn't paying much attention to where she was going because she was talking with gia.

she bumped into me. i could tell she was about to say "sorry" until she locked eyes with mine.

her face was pink. "wassup" was all i said to her. "hi" she said back quietly. i could tell i made her nervous, i loved it.

"what are you doing here?" she asked him. "i could ask you the same thing." i spit back. i was annoyed, but i don't know why.

"because i can." she said back confidently. damn.

i stepped closer to her leaving barely any space between us. "i could say the same thing shorty." she looked at me, then my eyes, then my lips.

i liked that she was checking me out.

"take a picture baby, it'll last longer." i smirked.

"shut up." she looked back at me. i whispered into her ear "make me."

the minute i said that she slammed her lips onto mine. god i missed feeling her full, delicate lips. i kissed her back without thinking twice about it and i grabbed her neck not aggressive but soft. she wrapped her small arms around my neck as my lips traveled to her soft jaw then slowly to her neck.

she grabbed his face and kissed me lips needing more. i chuckled at that and continued to kiss her.

i didn't care who was watching because i wanted everyone to m ow she was mine. after a while she let go and we both tried catching our breaths. i looked at her and "um" was all she could say. i just chuckled knowing how nervous i made her.

i looked at her and said "your mine." before exiting the house.

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