Episode 1

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       Jennie pov

        It was our wedding night, but unlike the most newly wedded bride. I was not looking forward to this night.

      I stood looking out the floor-to-ceilling window dreading this moment. I wish this night was over and tomorrow was here. I Leaned sideway against the dark glass.

     I didn't want to glare from the light to prevent me from enjoying the beautiful night scene outside of the penthouse. Darkness was the only thing giving me any sense of clam right now.

     And today? I was marrying a guy i absolutely abhorred. He represented everything that I hated- a player, womanizer, a westrel and probably a cheater, pretty much a good for nothing kind of man.

         He was what people would call 'the idle    rich' . He probably never worked a day in his life and spend his father's money to cover his lavish lifestyle while chasing woman. Atleast that was how I would describe my newly wedded husband.

     I frowned as I wondered if he force me to share his bed tonight . The sound of door handle turning brought me out of my thoughts. I moved away from window and turned to see invader knowing full well who it was. Kim taehyung , my husband.

      " so you've been hiding in here." His voice was playful and seductive. He flipped on the light switch and smirked as he confidently walking toward me.

       Yes! I have been hiding in one of the four available bedrooms in this luxurious apartment hoping that you wouldn't care enough to look for me. I thought.

      " does that mean you couldn't wait to make our reunion official? " his teasing continued.  He was wearing the same suit i had seen him in earlier this morning .

    As much as I hated his arrogant egotistical
Demeanor. I hated now how my body was responding to him more. My brain told me to despite him while my body was doing the opposite. My heart started beating fast and my inside doing flip as he got nearer.

     While I stared at him, I grudgingly admitted that he must be the most handsome I've ever meet . His beautiful dark brown eyes and his....lips. what the hell.

    He stopped a few steps away and I couldn't help but still gaze at his beautiful lips- and a devilish smile still on his face. I made myself look away before he managed to still my soul.

    " we're officially married on paper. There is no need for you to be here right now to make it official. " I said finality even though I was trembling inside.

     I hope he would leave me alone tonight , as for tomorrow , I will worry about it later. Right now I could only plan a day at a time when it came to our sleeping arrangements.

    " that's where you're wrong. " he enchanting husky voice sounded closer as he took few more steps.

    " you owe me an heir. " he bend down and whisper in my ear , his hit breath sending shivers down at my body.

    My head snapped back to bravely glare at him , he seemed amused and unfazed and one corner of his mouth lifted up.

    I loathed how could he make my stomach flip even with the slightest move he made. It was so infuriating! What was more infuriating that he was well aware of his charm too. Shit! Damn this man !.

    " that wasn't in the contract." I spat with less venom than I hoped.

   " oh , I guaranteed you it is. But I'll explain that later because right now, we will be busy doing something more productive than talking , my wife. " he got closer and he forced me back against the window.

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