Episode 17

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Jennie Pov

      He didn't seem like he heard me. He gazed back at me blanky as if trying to figure out wether or not i had just said something. The storm continued to thunder outside as droplets of rain relentlessly beat against the windows.

     "What did you say?" After a long paused, he asked.

     As i looked at him, my heart swelled more and more. The longer i observed him, the more i realize how much i love this man.

    "I love you."

    His eyes briefly flashed showing understanding. I waited for it to sink in, to see how he would react. When he didn't respond, i wasn't completely disappointed because i knew that love was unconditional, but therefore, i wasn't expecting him to immediately say those words back.

    I could see his internal struggle as he tried to figure out what to say or do next. My hands came up and held his face as i reassured him.

    "You don't have to say anything right now. I just want you to know that i care about you and I will always be here for you, Tae.." I said softly to him.

     Something shifted in him and he bent down to capture my lips. His arm around my waist tightened while his other hand held my head in a passionate kiss. My hands went up to the back of his head and gently gripped his hair as he bend down and swept me off my feet without ever breaking the kiss. I continued to savor the deliciousness of his lips as he carried me back to his room.


       "Okay, spill!" She snapped.

   "Spill what?" I gave her a confused look.

   We were currently in the library studying for our upcoming exam. Our classmates, Luke and Jessie, also joined us since we were all in Biochemistry together.

    "Did you do something different with you skin routine? Or did you have really good s*x recently? Becasue your skin is glowing." Mia said as she scrunitized me with her look.

    I blushed fiercely at the insinuations. She was quite intuitive since i had been thinking about what happened last night all day. I kept replaying it in my head and every time i did, a stupid smile would spread across my face like an idiot.

    My first time wasn't the best but it was still magical. Had i known it'd be so great, i would have done it sooner. Well, maybe not, but still. And I finally understood why some women would get attched to their men after a night of sleeping together. It was act and i felt like we bonded, physically, mentally and emotionally and that it somehow brought us closer.

    "Yahh, Mia. For the love of.. can you please not say that so casually?" Luckily, we were in the library or else everyone would be looking our way and shushing us.

    "What? What's the big deal?" She asked, pretended to look left and right.

    "Can we please get back studying Mia?" He laughed with Jessie whine i pinched the bridge of my nose.

    "Why? I'm just asking, you know."

   "Can we talk about this later?" I hissed at her. She should know that i was not comfortable divulging such personal information, especially infront of Luke and Jessie. They were friends but not close enough for me to openly talk about my s*x life.

    "Jessie and Luke wouldn't care if we're talking about it." Mia still pushed the subject.

    "Nope." Luke and Jessie answered in unison with knowing smiles on their faces.

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