Episode 9

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Jennie pov

      "Hmmm." I moaned with satisfaction and slowly open my eyes as i lifted my arms for a stretch while still in bed.

     I felt quite refreshed this morning despite my fear of sleeping last with Taehyung last night. I guess i slept better than i thought. And i smiled to myslelf as i looked over to my right and found the spot empty, Taehyung was gone.

     I got out of the bed and went back to my room to get ready for the day. After brushing my teeth, i put on a casual yellow sleeveless dress, I've been wearing a lot of yellows lately, probably because it remind me of summer.

     And after preparing myself i went downstairs and i found Taehyung in his office. I knocked on the door and happily greeted him.

     "Hi, good morning!"

    "Good morning." He looked up from his computer and gave me a smile.

    "Did you have a good sleep?"

    "Uhm, yes." I answered timidly. Why was i blushing from such a simple innocent question from him?

    "Do you have any plans today?" He asked. as he got up and walked towards me.

     "I think, no.. why?"

    "Good. If you have a homework, bring it with you because we will be out for the whole day." He put his hand on the small of my back.

    "Where are we going?" I asked him confused.

     "It's a surprise." He winked at me and made my heart leap. I don't think my heart will ever feel the same again whenever he is around,

      I walked back to my room and i grabbed my school bag which had all the things i needed and packed some clothes that i used for this whole day.

     I was ecstatic just to hang out with him for the whole day. I didn't care what it was that he ha planned today.


     "So, where are we going?" I asked again, once i seat in his black audi at the passenger seat and i grab the seatbelt.

      "Well, first, we're going to get our breakfast." He chuckled.

      I was beyong joyful at the mention of breakfast bacause i was starving. He stopped by one of my to three brunch restaurants. This place was known for its amazing waffles and pancakes.

      "You wait here, i'll be right back." He said when i was about to open the car door.

      He got out of the car before confusion registered on my face. I decided to stay put and waited patiently until he came back with two coffees and two containers of food.

     "I would rather have us eat in there but we have a long drive ahead of us." He said as a way of explaining.

      I eagerly accepted my coffee and the eco friendly box and opened it. I gasped and looked at him with a smile.

      "You got my favorite! How did you know?"

      He got me one of their signatures, waffles delight with fruit inside and outside and topped with a crackling brulee. It was a breakfast to die for. As if on cue, my stomach growled.

      "I have my source. Come on, let's eat before its getting cold." He said as he started the car.

      After taking minutes of eating and taking a last bite of my waffles, and i took a sip of my coffee and turned ro admire my husband-- My husband, it really ad a nice ring to it, I thought.

      He had on a simple black t-shirt, ripped jeans and a white cap. He looked attractive no matter what he wore, even in a trash bag, i bet he could pull it off.

      "I can't drive if you're going to stare at me like that the whole time." He teased as he looked over at me.

      "S-sorry, w-where are we going?" I immediately looked down at my hands. Shit! What the hell is wrong with me? Why was i so shy around him now? My sensitivity towards him had increased ten fold.

      "You'll figure it out before we even get there." He hinted.

      "Ohh, uhm okay." I sighed in defeat as i bent down to put the empty box away and pick up my books from my bag.

      And after reading for half an hour, i turned to look out the window to let my eyes and brain rest. Fall was definitely getting close. The leaves were starting to change less green, and more yellow or different shades of red yet but soon will be.

      "Oh, i recognized the landmark!" I jerked out suddenly and i turned to him and asked him with enthusiasm.

      "Are we going to summer house?"

     He nodded. I gasped with excitement. I haven't been there since Taehyung's mom passed away. Without his wife and son, Mr. Kim stopped inviting my family to the summer house. We used to go to the summer house twice a year with Taehyung's family.

     I only recognized the landmark because of the old structures, two gigantic grain silos and a tall red windmill, that i would always notice whenever we were going this way. They seemed to be the only constructions, besides the house and garage, in the middle of acres and acres of green vegetations.

     For the last 20 minutes of the ride, i kept looking outside to see if anything had changed throughout the 13 years. And when we arrived, he park the car and i immediately jumpled out of the car. I ran ti the front of the house and admired the beautiful view that i had almost forgotten.

     I ran back to Taehyung who standing by the car observing me and hugged him. His arms encircled my waist, picked me up and spun me around as i laughed with glee.

     Once he stopped and put me down, i said gratefully..

      "Thank you for bringing me here. Taehyung."

To be continued.....

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