Episode 19

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Jennie P.o.v

    It had been week since the incident. I had an emergency surgery due to an almost ruptured appendix. When i woke up surgery, my Mom, Mia and Jungkook were all present. My Dad couldn't make it since he was out of town.

   Even thoough i was happy to see their faces, i couldn't help feeling disappointed at not seeing the one face that i wanted to see the most... Taehyung

    In the end, i decided not to tell him about my surgery since i didn't want to worry him. I knew he couldn't fly back in time anyway so it would be better just to let him to finish his work in peace and infrom him later.

   He was still very bad at replying to my texts and chats. He would reply to me out of every five and him being five hours ahead probably had very little to do with it.

   Another thing that bugged me and i couldn't quite let it go was the fact that he still didn't say 'I Love You' back whenever i texted him those three precious words. He couldn't even amuse me by saying it just once to make me happy.

   I knew actions speak louder than words but words were important too. I wanted both actions and affirmations. Currently, both seemed to be lacking from perspective. Maybe i'm more selfish and insecure tha i thought.

   I knew I had wanted to give him time to figure things out for himself before he had said those words. However, as more time passed, I started to get extremely impatient. The longer he didn't say it back, the more i doubt the love he had for me, or the lack there of.

   What if he never figured it out? How long was i willing to wait? What would i tolerater or not tolerate from him? What if he continued to never be an workaholic and always put work and revenge first? Would i be okay with being second or even third?

   After finishing my morning routine, I looked down at my belly as i pulled on a loose cream sweater. There were three scars present on my flat pelvis now. Two about the lenght of one inch and one about the length of two inches, The incision was where they took out the appendix.

   Luckily it wasn't a major surgery so i could still go to school, I just couldn't carry anything heavy. I've been leaving my weighty books at home to reduce the strain on my body. My school campus was enormous and it took a while for me to walk and from classes.

   Since I've been taking strong pain killers, I wasn't allowed to drive. Jungkook had been nice enough to pick me up to and from school But technically, i could drive today. I had stopped taking the prescribed medication two days ago and had switched over to the weaker over the counter But Jungkook insisted on driving me until the end of the week which was today.

  I had not know that he lived only a few blocks away. His family owned an apartment building nearby so he stayed in one of the available spaces. After grabbing my school bag, i looked at my watch and it was 7am, Jungkook should be here soon so i made my way to the elevator and down to the main floor.

   Jungkook was a dependable guy. He always showed up on time and easy to get along with. I was fond of him but i wasn't sure how to go about our friendship. I thought back to the conversation i had with Mia after my surgery in the recovery room.

   "Hey, how are you?" She smile.

  "As good as i can in these kind of situation, i guess." I said unenthusiastically since my mouth felt like sandpaper.

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