You Can Cook?

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The sound of oil popping in a hot pan had woken up Dick, followed by the smell of freshly cooked food. Dick stood up and and stretched, feeling his back pop as he became less stiff. Dick walked in the direction of the small kitchen, knocking on the door frame to get Peter's attention.

"Oh, you're awake just on time," Peter remarked as he flipped a pancake onto a plate. "Here, this one's yours," Peter said, handing him one of the two plates. They sat across from each other at the table. "So," Dick started, "you can cook?" "You can't?" Dick smiled, quiet laughter rumbling through chest. "I never said that," Dick replied, pointing his fork at in Peter in a mock threat. Which then caused Peter to laugh in return.

"Here," Dick took the plate from Peter's hand, placing both his and Peter's plate in the sink and starting to wash them. "You hand wash the dishes?" "I didn't like Alfred doing the work alone." "Alright, well I'll see you later, Dick. I gotta go to work." "How did I not notice you were in you work uniform this whole time?" "I just assumed you were tired." "Let's go with that."

Shortly after that, Peter had left. Dick had finished the dishes and put them away, after searching through cabinets for ten minutes trying to figure out where everything goes. Now he was just sitting on the couch again, restless. Peter wouldn't be upset if he went on patrol solo, right? Wow, he sounded as stubborn as Bruce.

Didn't matter, for he was already in his hero suit and sitting on a rooftop. Thanks to Tim, he was able to tap into the police's communications. Most of the crimes were simple robberies, nothing he hadn't handled before, then a dreadfully familiar code. 207, a kidnapping, one not too far away from Dick's current location. He managed to find where they were keeping her before they could finish making a ransom video, but they were of course, less than docile.

He managed to finally get the girl back to her parents, but not unscathed at all. His body was littered with cuts and he could feel it aching, promising many bruises in the morning. There was one particularly bad stab wound on his hip, so much for avoiding further injuries. Out of what could really be considered stupidity though, he took care of a few more crimes before returning to Peter's apartment. He entered through the window at the same time Peter walked through the front door, his eyes locking with Dick's. Or, at least the best they could with Dick's black eye.

"Hey Peter....something happened."


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