Future (marcanne)

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Marcy rubbed Her eyes as She woke up to the smell of... Bacon?

She hummed, Lazily getting up and Making Her way to Her Kitchen.

and Sure Enough, There was Anne, Making Pancakes, Bacon, and some Fruit on the Side.

Marcy wrapped Her hands around Her, "Good Morning, Anna-Banana."

Anne giggled, "Good Morning, My love~"

Marcy blushed, giving Her a peck on the cheek before walking over to the Sink where the Freshly washed Fruits were, Taking a Strawberry and eating it.

Anne pouted, "Hey! You gotta wait until Everything's Ready."

Marcy groaned, "But Anneee, I'm so Hungryyyy..." She complained.

Anne giggled, "Only a couple more Minutes Mar-Mar, Go ahead and get Dressed for Class."

Marcy smiled, crossing Her arms, "I guess I will..."

Anne smirked, "Good."

Marcy left to get Changed, Anne Continued to cook Breakfast, flipping the Bacon to cook the other Side.

Anne happily hummed, waiting for it to Cook. When it finally finished She put the Pancakes, Bacon, and Fruit, on a Plate, putting some Whip-Cream on the Pancakes.

When Marcy came back Anne handed the plate to Her, "Breakfast is Served~!"

Marcy's eyes practically Sparkled, "Aw Anne! it looks Delicious!"

Anne giggled, "I sure hope it Is!" She gave Marcy a kiss on the Cheek, "Go ahead and eat, I'll be there in a Bit."

Marcy blushed, "Okay Anna-Banana." She made Her way to the Kitchen table, Anne quickly making Her plate and Sitting down next to Her.

Anne smiled, "Is it good?"

Marcy hummed in Response, "Perfect!" She said with a full mouth of food,

Anne just giggled in Response, Eating Her Breakfast with Marcy.

When They finished, Marcy and Anne put Their dishes By the Sink, Grabbing Their Bags, and Heading to Their Classes together.


After a Long day of Classes Anne struggled Her way into Her Apartment, Marcy happily Following, Playing on Her Nintendo Switch.

Anne flopped onto the Couch, "ohh... Mar-Mar, I think this is it..."

Marcy sat down next to Her, Still looking at Her switch, "You're okay Anne." She paused Her game and looked over to Her, "We do this Every Week, Now let's get started on Our Homework."

Anne whined, "No~~" She gasped Sitting up, "What about a Movie?"

Marcy hummed, "I dunno... We have Homework..."

"Pretty Please~" Anne begged with Bright eyes,

Marcy blushed, "Okay fine..."

Anne giggled, She gave Marcy a kiss on Her cheek, "Thank you my Love~!"

Marcy blushed even harder, She giggled, "What do you want to watch?"

Anne rested Her head on Marcy's shoulder, "How about... Luca?"

Marcy grabbed the T.V. Remote, Putting on Disney+, "Sounds good to me, Anna-Banana."

Anne sat back up, giggling, "I love that Nickname."

"I'm glad." Marcy pressed Play on the Movie, She then smirked at Anne,

"Hey Anne~" Marcy giggled,

"What?" Anne responded,

Marcy swiftly wrapped Her arms around Anne, tipping Her over so She was Laying on Her chest.

Anne giggled, "Mar-Mar, What are you doing?"

"Cuddles." Marcy simply Responded,

Anne giggled again, Wrapping Her arms around Her as well, "Okay."


sorry this is so late, i had a lot of trouble with this one :/

also sorry that it's only 500+ words, like i said this one was difficult for me

i hope you Enjoyed it anyways! thank you for reading <3

Published :
April 21st, 2022.

Word Count : 586

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