That Girl Next Door (A New Sashannarcy Story)

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"Anne Boonchuy!!" A girl called out as Anne walked to her class.

The brunette looked behind herself, seeing her best friend Marcy running up to her with her other best friend, Sasha, not far behind.

"You have to come out with us tonight!" The ravenette insisted.

Anne turned around—even though she was running late—and raised a questionable brow to her friend. "Why? What's happening?"

"Mar-mar wants us to go ghost hunting at the cemetery." Sasha explained, her arms crossed.

Anne felt a shiver go through her spine. She never was a fan of the paranormal.

"W-why would we do that??" Anne asked, trying to hide her stutter. Which, thankfully, Marcy didn't notice, instead just going on about the new ghost tracker she got and how she needed to test it out.

And after a lot of cute info dumping, Anne agreed.

What was the worse that could happen? They run into an actual ghost? Ha!

...She just hoped there weren't too many gross bugs at the graveyard.



when will this be coming out? good question! it'll actually be out in

okay bye i love you!

December, 22nd, 2023.

Word Count
Ao3 (15+) - Buttercup_Clouds
Tiktok - Buttercup_Clouds
Pinterest - Buttercup_Cloudss

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