The Autumn Breeze Welcomes Autumn Dreams (Marcanne)

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Anne let out a happy breath, looking out from the fountains edge, (where she was sitting,) and towards the beautiful park ahead of her. There weren't many people around; just a few college students studying underneath the orange-colored trees; a couple of families here and there with their toddlers, who were crushing every large leaf they stumbled upon; a few people with briefcases, probably taking a little rest in the park before going back to their jobs.

Not any students from her middle school, which Anne supposed was a good thing—it meant there was no one to interrupt her from this nice moment.

Anne's eyes suddenly fell upon a brown autumn leaf that swayed down in front of her. It nearly brushed her nose, but it barely missed her and instead landed on the sleeping girl's head, which was in the brunette's lap.

Anne looked down, a soft sigh escaping her as she gazed upon the girl lying on her. Her big lashes were covering her gorgeous honey-brown eyes, and her soft, short, raven hair rested on her forehead effortlessly. Which made sense—she was sleeping!—but what didn't make sense was how it was flawless while simply existing on her sleeping form. Oh, and Anne's favorite part of the view—the cherry on the cake, one could say—was the way her face barely flushed. A small tint of red on her cheeks and nose. It was surely from the cold weather, but it still took Anne's breath away.

...Okay yes, Anne had a crush on Marcy: if that wasn't obvious.

Marcy was just... She was just so pretty. Not only that, but she was so amazing to converse with; so amazing to listen to; so amazing to be around—her looks were honestly just a plus.

"Hey!!" A voice suddenly yelled, startling Marcy to wake. Which was really bad, because the reason she was so tired was because the ravenette had played Vagabondia Chronicles all night, and after a long day of school, she had finally found herself resting on her best friend, Anne.

And now, instead of continuing to regain her lost hours of sleep, Marcy was being awakened by their stupid classmate, Gabby Williams.

"Hey!!!" She said again, waving enthusiastically. "How are you doing, Anne? How about you, Marcy?"

Marcy blinked slowly, as if the blink alone was enough to make her fall back into her slumber. "...I was sleeping." She answered lazily.

"Oh!" Gabby said, but her tone showed that she was completely oblivious to just how terrible she was being. "I love sleeping! Ugh, last night I was having such a good dream!! Okay, okay, so I was just like, at the mall, right? And suddenly Malcolm came out of nowhere and—"

Less than eight sentences in, and Anne had already zoned out. And looking at Marcy, she could see the ravenette was zoning out too—well actually, she was falling asleep. And soon after, she wasn't just falling asleep, she was asleep, and she was fell right back into Anne's lap.

"Wow!" Gabby gasped, "How rude!!"

"Oh, don't take it personally," Anne said, petting Marcy's sweet, snoring head. "She stayed up all night playing her game—she's really tired." Anne explained, Gabby just nodded, opening her mouth again, surely to ramble on about her own favorite game or something of the sort, but before she could even make a peep, Anne cut her off. "I think it would be best to let her sleep, so could we chat tomorrow? I'll tell you about Richard and his crush on Sasha~"

Gabby made an 'ooo' sound at that, immediately nodding her head, her red braids bouncing with her action. "Sounds good! I'll keep you to that promise, Anne!!" She declared with a finger gun, walking away from the brunette just to leave her mumbling to herself, "...I never promised...?"

Anne sighed, trying to not think about the horrible future she just gave herself. She didn't really want to talk about guys liking Sasha. It felt... Wrong. She didn't like Sasha! No, no, definitely not. Liking two people was weird. It was just upsetting to see her best friend dating! ...For some reason.

Anne huffed, annoyed with her mind for rambling.

Anne looked down at Marcy, her heart feeling lighter as she admired the tiny freckles dusting her nose.

This was a perfect way to spend her afternoon. Watching Marcy sleep as she drooled on Anne's skirt; the small mumbles of "Annie" and "Sashy" and "Vagabondia Chronicles" coming from her soft lips; the little way her snores would double in with her breathing, making her snort a little. It was so wonderful, which meant it went terribly fast.

When what felt like two seconds passed—but was actually more like two hours—Marcy woke up with a sputter, her eyes fluttering open as she looked up to the face of her best friend. "Annie," She mumbled, wiping the drool off her face. "What time is it?"

Anne looked down at her phone, giving the screen a tap, and when it woke, the screen read 5:27, which the brunette told the sleepy princess still resting on her lap.

"Ugh," Is all Marcy said, wiping her eyes. Anne giggled, smiling sweetly. "Did you have a good nap? Dream about anything?"

For some reason, Marcy blushed at that. And instead of answering, she just asked, "...Walk me home?"

~ • ~ • ~

When Marcy finally got back to her room, she closed the door with such speed it would make NASA confused. She then flopped herself face-first onto her bed, letting out a long, annoyed, and embarrassed groan.

How could she let herself dream that when she was with her. It was a relief Sasha wasn't there too, or else Marcy might've just died from embarrassment.

She had dreamt that the three were on a date.

A date!

They first met up at their favorite boba shop, all three ordering their favorites—Sasha, a pomegranate slush with lychee jelly; Anne, a Thai tea with extra boba; and Marcy, a brown sugar tea.

Then they went to a bookstore. A little cozy one, with an exchange books section—and they'd also have buckets of coupons!

So. Many. Coupons.

Then they went back to Anne's house and got ready for a huge sleepover. They'd watch movies, play their favorite board game (AKA, Cards Against Humanity,) they'd jump on the trampoline, despite the freezing fall weather, and then they'd have a huge pillow fight until they eventually passed out from exhaustion.

Marcy sighed, flipping over to her back. She stared at the ceiling, her face blossoming into a bright pink.

However would she live like this?

I haven't posted an Amphibia one-shot since November 😨

Sorry y'all, I've been super busy being obsessed with Spy x Family and being super smart 😪


Anyways ik it's not fall yet, but I saw the fanart above and I fell in love

I hope you all enjoyed!!💕

May, 18th, 2024.

Word Count
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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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