Dressing For Revenge (Sashanne Angst)

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Anne leaned onto her vanity, glaring into her eyelids as she placed precise tiny silver gems on—she wanted to look perfect tonight, she wanted to make Sasha regret treating her like she had.

"Okay, okay, okay, very important question girls!" Emily announced, knocking Anne out of her thoughts. The brunette looked through the vanity mirror and saw Emily holding two outfits next to her body, one was a sparkling mint cropped tank top with a matching mini-skirt, and the other was a tiny lilac dress with a peek-a-boo cut under the bust, also extremely sparkily. "green two-piece, or purple dress?" Emily asked, raising the two back and forth like a teeter-totter.

Freya hummed before pointing to the mint outfit, "Def the green, it'll get Matthew drooling all over ya!" as Selene giggled at the way Freya said her sentence—and Anne rolled her eyes, continuing her makeup—Emily just looked at the outfit, pouting as blush began to dust her cheeks, "...Do you really think so?" she asked, making the two giggle again.

"What do you think, Anne?" Emily suddenly asked, Anne sighed quietly before sitting down in her chair and turning around on the wheels attached to the bottom, crossing her arms as she raised a brow.

Emily just smiled brightly, holding the two outfits next to her, "Which one will make Matthew like me more, green, or purple?"

Anne's lip sneered as she looked up at Emily's face, she looked so excited, but the Thai girl couldn't take her seriously, Matthew already liked her, why was she still trying to impress them?—it was like what Sasha used to do for her, which was what probably annoyed her so much, but still, it was stupid.

"Oh, come on Em," Anne complained, turning around in her chair, "they're already obsessed with you, stop trying so hard, just wear the green one and I'm sure you two will be together by the end of the night."

Emily pouted at her lack of enthusiasm, holding the two outfits to her chest, "Anne!! what is up with you?!" she complained, Anne just grumbled.

Freya couldn't help but snicker, looking at Emily with a smirk, "Leave her alone, Em, she's too upset about dumping her girlfriend~" Anne let out an annoyed groan at that.

Selene furrowed her brows, looking at the brunette confused, "Why? you two always break up and get back together, like, the next day!" Anne just glared at her, not even bothering herself to move her head as she did so.

"Not this time," Anne stated, looking back at the mirror in front of her and poking at her curls with her toothpick comb, "I'm done with her, she's so unappreciative of me,"

Anne smirked a bit, looking at her reflection, she looked hot, she looked flawless, and she was ready.

"now she's gonna get a taste of her own medicine."

As Anne stepped out of the car, she looked up at Matthews's house—who was hosting the party, their dad was out on business so they decided, (or more like, their friends decided), it was the perfect time to throw a party.

When Emily stepped out of the car, she audibly gulped, looking at the house with big eyes, before snapping her head at Anne, fanning her armpits as she did, "Can you tell I'm sweating?? I feel like you can tell I'm sweating!!"

Freya laughed lightly, patting the blonde's back, "You are fine, the sparkles hide any sweat marks."

Emily looked at her and Selene as she walked up next to Freya, Emily's face showing she was not convinced. "Are you sure?" She asked, "I feel like the purple would've hid it better- ugh! I should've worn the purple!!" she cried out, collapsing her head onto Freya's shoulder.

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