Drunk (Adult Sashannarcy)

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"Guys! it's so good to See you!" Anne said as She let go of Hugging Them,

She dramatically gasped, pointing at the Presents in Their Hands, "Are those for me~?"

Sasha blew a raspberry, "No actually, it's for Your Frogs. Of course it's for you!"

Marcy grinned, "Happy Birthday!!"

Anne giggled, "Thank you, Mar-Mar." She did some jazz hands, "Finally 23~!"

The three giggled together, Sasha pointed Her thumb towards the Entrance, "You ready to get outta here?"

Anne chuckled, "Yeah, my Shift just Ended."

as The Three Left the Building, Marcy stopped Them, "Wait! we need to take a Picture!"

She grabbed Her pastel Green Polaroid Camera, Sitting it on a Small outside Table, She smiled, "Get ready~!"

Anne and Sasha held each other's hands, Anne reached out Her hand for Marcy, Marcy quickly set the Timer and Accepted Her hand.

The Three smiled also blushing.

as They waited for the Camera to take the Picture, Sasha and Marcy looked over to Anne, Seeing Her so Happy, with small Tears in Her eyes, made Their Hearts melt, Their Smiles Deepening.


The three looked at the Camera, Marcy nervously Laughed, "A-Alright! let's go do all our Fun Plans oooo~"

She grabbed Her camera, Taking the Photo and putting the Camera Back into Her purse, She shook it until it Showed the Photo.

She showed the Girls it, "Look how cute we are!"

Anne blushed, "Aww! we are Cute!"

Sasha smiled, "We really are... oh!" She reached into Her jacket pocket, grabbing a Pink Pen, "Let's make the Polaroid Cute too! Hold it for me Mars."

Marcy did as She said, Sasha drew a little Pink heart on the left side side, She smiled "Perfect!"

Marcy and Anne blushed at the Heart, "A-Adorable!" Anne muttered out,

Marcy nodded, Flusterdlly saying, "Mhmm! I love it!"

Sasha chuckled, "Good." She grabbed onto Marcy and Anne's hands, Running towards Her car, "Now let's go have some fun~!"

Anne giggled, Marcy did as well.

Sasha hopped into Her seat, She flipped Her cup Holder Up to reveal another Seat underneath, She patted Her hand on it, "Sit down, Ladies~"

Anne sat in the Middle, Marcy on the Right.

Anne excitedly kicked Her legs, "So... Where are we going?"

Sasha smirked at Her, "Can't tell ya' Boonchuy, it's a Surprise~"

Anne rolled Her eyes, She leaned on Marcy's shoulder, "You'll tell me, Right Mar-Mar?"

Marcy blushed, She looked up at the Sky, "Nope, You'll just have to wait Anna-Banana."

Anne giggled, sitting up, "I haven't heard That in a Minute! Hmmm... what other Nicknames did we have for Each other..."

Marcy and Sasha hummed, Marcy snapped, "I used to call Sasha Sashy!"

Sasha chuckled, "I used to call Y'all Girlfriends." She waved to the two of Them, Winking, "Hey Girlfriends~!"

Marcy and Anne blushed, Anne gently nudged Sasha's side, "I remember that, Sashy."

Sasha dramatically groaned, "Oh noooo, is that My name now?"

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