Sports (Sashannarcy)

462 13 44

Marcy watched from the front row seat as Anne,—her girlfriend—gave her opponent an excellent backhand, the other tennis player not being able to react in time, causing the ball to fall on the ground.

Marcy immediately jumped up, "Woo! go Anne!!" she yelled, making her sweaty girlfriend look up at her with a sweet, love-struck smile.

Then, the black haired girl heard her other girlfriend begin to cheer with the rest of her team, Marcy immediately sat down so she could watch Sasha and her team—but mostly Sasha—do their sharp and clean cheer routine.

It began with the twenty girls on the field clap their hands together simultaneously, then all of them put their hands in the air to prep for a toe-touch, except the three in the middle who prepped down.

"Kickin' butt"

—they all began to chant as they did their routine.—

When the other seventeen girls did their perfect middle split in the air, the middle three—including Marcy's favorite blonde, who was in the center of the three—did a backhand-spring.

"and taking names,"

While the two on Sasha's sides stopped after one, Sasha continued, doing two more backhand-sprigs as the girls who were doing toe-touches swarmed behind her.

"we're the School"

Sasha finalized her flips with a perfect back tuck, raising her arms in the air to catch her breath for a moment, before sticking them to the side sharply, falling back with complete trust that her team would catch her, which they did.

The cheer team continued to lift Sasha up, along with the two other girls who did the backhand-springs, although Sasha was higher in the air.

"they call"

The three did a leg extension as they were being lifted for a moment before snapping their legs down again.

"Saint James!"

The two on the sides bent their knees as they prepped to be thrown in the air, keeping their legs straight as they flipped with their bodies in a diagonal, then being caught on their stomachs and sat down safely, meanwhile, Sasha was lifted higher in the air.

The blonde bent down in a tuck in her teammates hands, then lifted back up in a posé, her hands on her hips; she then leaped in place to the other leg, putting her hands up in fists as she slowly raised her leg into a high extension without her hands, holding that incredibly difficult pose for a moment before switching the direction of her hips and kicking her leg into a scorpion and then putting her legs and arms down again sharply for a split second before prepping and doing a firebird jump.

Her teammates bent their arms lower so she had a farther way to fall when her jump eventually ended, but that didn't phase Sasha as she fell with confidence, being caught in a chair lift by her teammates before being sat on the ground.

When they were finished, Sasha clapped her hands together and raised one hand in the air, the other on her hip, the rest of the cheer team following her action as they all cheered,

"Go Saint James!"

Marcy shot up in her seat again, cheering out with the rest of the audience, Marcy cupped her mouth with her hands as she yelled, "Yes Sasha!! she's so talented!!!"

Marcy saw her beloved girlfriend chuckle and blow her a kiss, which Marcy happily caught and pressed to her right cheek, making Sasha laugh again.

Marcy grinned wide, sitting back in her chair as they announcers began to speak,

"That was a great cheer from the Saint James High School cheer team! good job girls!"

"Now, back to the tennis match, Saint James star player Anne has to do is score one more point and she'll win the game! but her opponent isn't that far behind; they only need three more points and they'll win the match for Sierra Canyon, I wonder, will Anne's luck run out?"

"It ain't luck! It's talent! t-a-l-e-n-t!" Marcy yelled, "Don't listen to them Anne! you got this!!"

Anne wiped some sweat off her forehead from the last match as she looked up at Marcy, who was making a heart with her hand.

Anne let a goofy smile form on her face, she sent a heart with her hands to Marcy as well, which made Marcy giggle.

As the whistle blew, Anne's demeanor immediately changed from giggly and lovey-dovey, to determined and serious.

She lightly bent her legs, holding her tennis racket with a firm grip as her opponent picked up the tennis ball, lightly tossing it in the air before serving it, the ball bounced hard on the orange-ish asphalt before Anne hit it with a half-volley, forcing her competitor to use a ground stroke, which she knew was their weakness.

The other tennis player struggled to hit the ball, just barely getting it over the net, which Anne returned it with a forehand.

The surprise of a forehand when a backhand would usually be the first thing someone would think of after getting served a ground stroke shocked Anne's competitor, making them miss the ball, earning Anne—and Saint James—the final point they needed.

Anne threw her hands up in the air, jumping lightly, "Boo-yah! suck it Sierra Canyon!"

Everyone cheered loudly, Marcy leaned forward on the bar keeping her off the field, "YEAH!" she screamed, "THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"

Anne blushed a bit, blowing her a kiss just like Sasha had done before, Marcy caught it and put it on her left cheek.

Almost immediately after she received her kiss, she saw Sasha run up to Anne with a big hug, giving her kisses all over her face, Anne's laughter so loud even Marcy could hear her from the stands.

"The final point goes to Saint James Middle School! making them the Victors! give another hand for Anne Boonchuy everybody!"

Everyone cheered again, Marcy began running down the stairs as fast as possible, running out into the court.

She waved her arms as she ran towards her girlfriends, "Girls! you both did so goOD-!" she squeaked out as she tripped face first, not letting that stop her as she stood straight back up, hands on her hips, "I'm okay."

Her girlfriends instead walked to her this time, both giving her a kiss on the cheek, Sasha, her right, and Anne, her left.

Marcy giggled, when they pulled away she gave them both a crisp kiss on the lips, causing both of them to go bright red—although Anne was already pretty red due to Sasha's lipstick smeared all over her face.

Marcy grinned brightly, "You two were amazing!" she giggled again before grabbing their hands and holding them dearly, "Its insane how good at sports you two are, I tripped just running over here!" she joked, making her girlfriends lightly laugh along with her.

Marcy sighed contently, "Now it's time to go out to eat as celebration, and then its our sleepover!!" she said excitedly,

They both shared a glance before resting their heads on Marcy's shoulders, "Can we just go to your house and skip the whole restaurant thing? I'm exhausted." Sasha complained,

Anne nodded against Marcy's shoulder, "Me too... can we please Mar-Mar?"

Marcy nervously giggled from the feeling of her beloved girlfriends resting on her shoulders, she squeezed their hands tightly as she hummed in agreement, "Mhm, s-sure!"

Published :
November, 19th, 2022.

Word Count :

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