Strawberry Juice (Sashannarcy Valentines Special!)

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Sasha and Anne held each other's hand as they waited in the airport seats, their parents—or more like Anne's parents and Sasha's father—next to them.

They were basically bubbling from excitement, in a few minutes, they were going to see Marcy! their precious Mar-Mar! and not only was she coming back just in time to celebrate valentines day, she was staying for the next two weeks as well!! and the two couldn't possibly be more excited.

That was, of course, until Marcy walked through the door.

Anne and Sasha immediately exploded into squeals, and when Marcy saw them due to the loud noise, the ravenette joined as well.

"Oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!!!" Marcy screamed as she ran over to her girls—her parents looked unhappy at her choice of language, but they were happy she was happy—"You-you're here!" Anne breathed out, her voice exhausted from her squeals of joy.

Marcy nodded as she kept running to them, and once she got to them, she jumped into their arms, her girlfriends holding onto her happily.

"I'm... I'm so happy you're home, Marbles..." Sasha whispered, some sniffles in her voice, which made Marcy get off of the two just enough to see their faces, "Aw, Sashy!! don't cry!" Marcy said with a soft smile.

Anne nodded, her lip trembling as she looked at the blonde, "Y-yeah... because if you cry, I'm gonna start too!" Anne stated as her eyes teared up.

Marcy couldn't help but let out a low chuckle as she wiped her face with her palm, "Frog dang-it... now I'm crying too."

The three laughed together while tears freed themselves from their eyes, their hearts feeling light and warm from the happiness they felt all together, once again.

"Okay so," Anne began, holding her girlfriend's hands as they rode in Mrs. Waybright's car—the three in the back, Marcy on the left, Anne in the middle, and Sasha on the right, then all the parents in the middle and front seats—a big smirk on Anne's face as she continued, "today, I have a couple surprises for you two..."

Sasha blinked dumbly, "...But... I had some surprises for you two."

The two stared at each other a bit worried for a moment before Marcy spoke up, "Well, luckily enough, my surprises aren't anything planned really..." the ravenette reached down to the floor of the car, fumbling around in her bag she brought on the plane earlier. Anne and Sasha just watched her with wondering faces, until Marcy sat back up, and their wonder changed to excitement.

Marcy looked at the two with a big smile and the smallest hint of anxiety, holding two plush brown teddy bears—one with a pink bowtie, the other with a blue one—and two mini valentine heart boxes filled to the brim with chocolates. Since she had to bring them in her carry-on, they weren't as big and grand as her amazing girls deserved, but she hoped they still liked them.

"Oh... my... god... Marcy!! they're absolutely adorable!!" Sasha exclaimed, reaching for her bear (that was obviously the one with the pink bowtie, it was her signature color after all) and its respective candy box. Anne grabbed the other one with a big grin, "They really are!! thank you so much Mar-Mar." she thanked before leaning forward and kissing the ravenettes cheek, making her blush.

Sasha decided she also wanted to kiss her girlfriend's cute face, so she grabbed the Taiwanese girl's cheeks and brought her closer as she leaned in, kissing her cute upturned-shaped nose, making Marcy giggle and blush even more.

"Hey!" shouted Mr. Boonchuy from the middle row, looking back at the three, "you three better be on your best behavior back there! I get it, you're sixteen, but you can keep your lovey-dovey actions in until we get out of the car."

Anne just crossed her arms, pouting at her dad with embarrassed and flustered cheeks matching her girls, "Dad! we were just telling Marcy how much we appreciate her gifts."

"Oh don't lie, Anne, I saw what you were doing back there." Mrs. Waybright told her with a knowing smirk, Sasha blushed, complaining to her with a simple "Mom!!!" but her mother just giggled, along with the rest of the adults in the car, Anne Sasha and Marcy, however, were red from embarrassment for nearly the entire ride.

On the ride, the three had talked about what they were going to do for the day now that they knew Anne and Sasha had both planned things to do, but while they were explaining, they found out that the 'big' surprises they planned for the end of the night were the same,

a picnic.

And so, that's where they were, sitting down together with bushels of homemade sandwiches, lemonades, and chocolate-covered strawberries.

Sasha held her teddy bear Marcy gave her as Anne took a bite out of her chocolate-covered strawberry, snuggling the soft blush tightly. Marcy giggled at the sight, "I'm glad you like it, I was worried it would be too small..."

Sasha immediately blew a raspberry, "No way! it's absolutely adorable!" she kissed the teddies head, giggling to herself as she leaned forward and did the same to Marcy's lips, "just like you~" she whispered, making the ravenette lightly laugh.

Anne pouted, some juice from the strawberry still on her lips as she leaned in between the two, wrapping her arms around the two and holding them close, "Hey! no kissing without me you stinkers!!"

Marcy snickered, kissing the corner of Anne's sticky mouth, "Sorry Annie, I just can't resist, our girlfriend is just so adorable." Anne couldn't help but giggle, she playfully rolled her eyes with a smirk on her lips, nodding her head as she agreed that was a reasonable explanation, "Yes, yes she is perfect-AHH!!!!" Anne screamed as she felt a tongue lick her lips, jumping back with bright red cheeks, "Sasha Elizabeth Waybright!! what on earth was that?!?!" she screeched.

Sasha just snickered, licking her own lips as she shrugged, "You had some juice on your mouth, you're welcome."

Anne crossed her arms, her face extremely red as she disciplined the cheeky blonde, "You can't just do that! I thought you were-"

Anne got cut off by Marcy stuffing a strawberry in her mouth, making sure to get juice all over her face. Marcy gave the two shocked girls a grin, "Oh no~" she said with fake sorrow, "I got strawberry juice on myself, oh whatever will I do~" she said as she leaned into Sasha's face, stopping just before the blonde's lips and bursting out into a fit of laughter, the other two doing the same.


sorry this is a tad late ;( i made it literally today and just got it done sooooooooo

at least its published on valentines day frfr


i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and this absolutely amazing holiday💕

February, 14th, 2023.

Word Count

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