Fighting (Adult Sashanne Angst)

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Anne looked down at the floorboard of her car, her arms crossed, and her foot tapping rigorously. Her girlfriend—Sasha—glanced over to her, frowning at the brunette's tear-stained face.

As Sasha was trying to find the words to say, Anne's eyes snapped towards her, giving her girlfriend a look of pain and hate.

Sasha hated how those eyes made her feel, and how she made Anne feel. Anne rubbed her shivering arms as she spat out, "Just drive..."

Sasha felt the tears threatening her eyes sting more ever so slightly, turning her head back towards the widow as she swallowed, nodding a bit and turning the car from 'parked' to 'drive', "Okay." she mumbled before driving off towards their apartment.

The ride home was quiet, uncomfortably quiet, the only noises filling the silence were the heavy drops of rain hitting the outside of Sasha's car. Every time Sasha came up with a way to apologize, she'd look towards her girlfriend, but every time she saw how angry Anne was—the tears in her eyes, her red frustrated face; the blonde's mind went blank, turning back to look at the road and letting out a grunt instead of an apology.

As Sasha drove, she anxiously tapped her finger on the window rim with that terribly annoyed look on her face, Anne couldn't help but side-eye her, her heart sinking when she saw her face.

At first glance, she looked annoyed, but if you studied her expression for more than a few seconds, you would see it was more guilty.

Anne let out a silent sigh, looking back at the road, the pouring rain outside making the windows foggy from the contrasting heat on the inside.

Sure, Anne was upset at what Sasha had said to her, but seeing her blonde girlfriend like that, was it really worth it being upset?

Anne let out a frustrated sigh, of course it was, she was allowed to feel upset and be open about it, Sasha would even agree with her.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Sasha let out a sigh as she looked out the window, pulling her car keys out of the ignition, "I don't have an umbrella," she looked back to Anne, who was still upset, "do you?"

The sound of Sasha's voice brought tears back to her eyes, Anne sniffled her nose a bit, wiping her eye but that only started more tears, "No."

Sasha slightly flinched as she saw tears start to stream down Anne's face, but she was staying silent. Sasha looked back out to the rain, the parking lot was starting to flood a bit, "We could call Marcy to bring down an umbrella?" she offered, but the brunette just shook her head.

"I don't wanna bother her." Anne explained, the blonde nodded, looking around her car in search of something they could use, her eyes eventually landing on her large leather jacket.

Sasha grabbed it, adjusting it over her head and glancing to her girlfriend, "Stay there." she said before taking a deep breath in and stepping out of her car.

Anne did as the blonde said, watching her with tear-filled eyes as Sasha walked around the front of the car and to Anne's door.

Once she opened it, Anne looked up at her, Sasha was holding out a hand for Anne, an apologetic smile on her face. Anne accepted her hand, standing up under the jacket and walking towards the doors, holding herself.

As the two walked, Sasha looked over again, mumbling out "I'm sorry...", which only made Anne start to cry even more.

The brunette's face scrunched up as she let more tears stream down her cheeks, her crying turning into a sob as they walked, Sasha knew that if she tried to comfort her she'd probably make it worse, so she just watched as Anne sobbed.

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