Turkey Day (Adult Sashannarcy)

166 7 11

Anne sighed as she looked at her finished meal, the brunette wiping some sweat off her forehead as she admired her beautiful finished turkey—along with everything else, but the turkey really stole the whole show.

The Thai girl grinned, looking at the clock with a proud chest. She finished just thirty minutes before everyone would be over. Perfect.

"Hey, girls?" Anne called out towards the house, walking around to the kitchen door to see if either of them were in the living room. "You done cleaning?" She asked with a smile.

But when she got there, Anne's smile immediately fell. Because there her girls were, playing Apico—on their world that they swore would never play without the three of them!—on the couch in a spotless living room.

Sasha scrambled off the couch while Marcy desperately tried to turn off the Nintendo Switch. Anne just shook her head as she watched the scene play out. "I could've used help when you finished, y'know." She grumbled, but her wives just piled themselves on her with no warning, nearly knocking the brunette over.

"Goodness!" Anne exclaimed, making the other two giggle. "Annie!!" Marcy called out, leaning her chin on Anne's shoulder as Sasha spoke—although a bit muffled—against Anne's back. "We love you!"

Anne couldn't help it, she immediately dropped all annoyance she had against her loves'. How could she stay upset when they were this cute?

Well, at least that's what she thought before she saw the state of the rest of the rooms. Turns out they had cleaned the living room four hours earlier and then decided to play video games the rest of the time. Using the excuse that it was 'Turkey Day'.

Anne was not too grateful for their love of postponing chores.


one year my mom made me help make the turkey and it was so disgusting i haven't ate turkey since.


November, 23rd, 2023.

Word Count
Ao3 (15+) - Buttercup_Clouds
Tiktok - Buttercup_Clouds
Pinterest - Buttercup_Cloudss

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