👑Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle👑

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Full name: Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle

First name:  Mi Amore Twilight

Middle name: Crystal moon 

Last Name: Sparkle

Age: 8-9 Years old (mabye)

Birthday: 30th of March

Nicknames/Alias: Twilight ,Sky ,Moonlight ,starling, princess ,highness, Crystal princess, princess of the sun and moon, princess of friendship, Crystal & Guardian of the Night

Occupation: Princess ,ruler of the new Crystal Empire

Her Quotes: "knowledge is power" "There is so much beauty in being a good person with pure intentions" "shine like a Crystal" "the sun see's your body and the moon see's your soul"

Magic colour:  Blue/Teal/light blue 

Powers/Skills: Flight, Magic, Intelligence, Alicorn Physiology, Spell Casting, Love Inducement ,Telekinesis ,Force-Fields ,Magical Beam Emission ,Crystal Generation , Solarokinesis ,Elements of Harmony , semi-Immortality ,Moon control ,orinokinesis ,Chronokinesis 

Hobbies: Reading , Spending time in the Crystal royal Gardens 

Kind: Alicorn

Residence: Crystal empire , Canterlot (pastlife) ,Ponyville (past life)

Physical appearance:

Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle current appearance (8-9 yrs old)

*All these drawings are mine pls not take my idea's or Drawings without asking me*

*All these drawings are mine pls not take my idea's or Drawings without asking me*

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Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle Kid (3-4 yrs old)

Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle Kid (3-4 yrs old)

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More physical appearance: Child looking , cute , short , mane and tail with sparkles

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More physical appearance: Child looking , cute , short , mane and tail with sparkles

Personal traits: Quiet , kind ,caring, helpful, soft-spoken ,gentle ,kindhearted ,very well educated , powerful 

Social role: princess, ruler ,kid , leader , little sister vibe, goddess

Voice: quiet

Accessories: small Golden crown with a pink/magenta Crystal in the middle , golden necklace with pink/magenta Crystal in the middle (she only wears it for formal or she goes out the castle),golden Shoes (she only wears it for formal or she goes out the castle)

(The Crown ,necklace ,shoes, tips of the wings and hair)

(The Crown ,necklace ,shoes, tips of the wings and hair)

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 Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark:

Facts about Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle: When Twilight raises or lowers the sun her hair and wings tips glow yellow and when she raises or lowers the moon the tips of her hair and wings glow blue

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Facts about Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle: When Twilight raises or lowers the sun her hair and wings tips glow yellow and when she raises or lowers the moon the tips of her hair and wings glow blue.Twilight is able to raise and lower the sun and moon and she is able to spread love and friendship.Princess Twilight is the last alicorn and she was born an alicorn

Facts about The new Crystal Empire: The new Crystal Empire is protected by a Very powerful force field made by to protect the Crystal Empire and The last Alicorn Princess AKA Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle and the force field is kept up by the power of the Crystal Heart and Princess Twilight (and also the tree of Harmony is now in the Crystal Palace)

Facts about the force field: The forcefield does not let any evil entity enter

Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle's Past life: In Princess Mi Amore Twilight Sparkle past life Her name was Princess Twilight Sparkle and she was the princess of friendship and sister-in-law to Princess Cadance The old Crystal Princess. The reason Princess Twilight was reincarnated (This happened after the princess gave Twilight their magic in "Twilight's Kingdom")Was lord Triek, discord ,Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra invaded Canterlot so Celestia and Luna asked for Candance and her Warriors for help so they put a protective spell around Crystal empire so it was safe and evacuated all the citizens.Then they sent a message to Twilight to come to Canterlot for an Princess "meeting" and it said the come because it was urgent.After Twilight got to Canterlot *Everything goes the same as in "Twilight's Kingdom"* after they gave Twilight their magic they told her one more thing an that she was going to be sent to the future reborn in the Crystal empire because it was the safest option because they Believe that Triek, discord chrysalis, and Sombra did not know that was a fourth Alicorn princess in Equestria and that she would have no memory of the past.

*I might come back to this page to edit it if i come up with more this about Twilight*

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