Chapter 1: Discovery

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Hello and welcome to my second crossover story  You might know me from my other story

FEMALE TECHNOBLADE DEKU but i doubt it so lets stop wasting Time and get to it

Updates might be slow lmao

( )= narrator  Bold and underlined= me just talking usually use this for jokes or references

The government decided  to do a land check since the last time they did one was over a century ago.  "Sir you need to come check this out" Said one of the workers. On the computer showed that there had been an undiscovered Island. We should call Nezu amd see if he can send a class there to explore and maybe name it to.

(And with that being said thats what they did time skip to when they are in class)

"Sit down class today we are talking about something quite serious" Said their sleep deprived teacher. Today I have been informed that we as a class will be going to a recently found island . So I am here to encourage you to pack a bag for atleast a week.

Time skip brought to you by me eating ice cubes out a cup at  3 am

Guys look at this we are the first people to step foot on this island. Said mina. Alright everyone this. looks like a normal island so be free to do what you want. Jirou and deku were looking around and   they found  a beach part so they decided to look arounf over there.

I have no idea where im going with this so foolish pov

I was hanging out with DreamXD and george XD felt like he heard something on the beach. XD shrunk to about Dreams height. We ventured our way to the direction of the beach and found to people.  We made eye contact for a moment and then they started getting in fighting stances. Thats when XD started gettimg defensive over us well more defensive over me  yo but like DreamXD x Foolish tho
Thats when I decided to break the silence,

Uhmm hello?  You cant talk?! The green haired guy said. Why would I not be able to- STOP YOU VILLIAN. A black haired guy came running up and then tied us up in what looked like a scarf. Huh was not expecting that. George said aleady giving up.

Wow your gonna come on my island and tie up a god wow. Im impressed dream said (not dream xd )  he made george jump slightly from being fast and making no sound at all. But I was used to it due to him being my boyfreinds brother

So are you gonna let us go  or- *he tightens the scarf*agh ok taking that as a no. I said in somewhat pain. I could tell XD was gettimg more upset by the second but when he tightened the scarf that just made the breaking point. Literally he ripped the scarf.

*all of the mha crew looks shocked* what why are y'all so surprised that he can rip a scarf. Was it supposed to be strong or something. I say bursting out laughing. George did the same then both dreams. Anyway who even are y'all? XD asked. Scaring the children with his voice.

We were sent here to look around the island. Thats a stupid idea. But we may have something that can help you. Said dream. All you have to do first is play a game.

DUN DUN DUNNNNN anyways im tired asf and i just wrote a chapter for my fem technoblade deku and now this one btw idk how to start off stories so this is gonna be a challenge but byee and make sure to wear your seat belts

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