a chapter bcuz i feel happy today

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Bill (bill nye the science guy) and Jeff (lab ra ka zam) have been dating for 5 months now, not counting the 17 hookups throughout the years. Jeff was planning to propose to Bill that night, but bill was also planning something. See bill had been seeing someone else...
Albert (Albert Einstein) Bill was planning on telling Jeff tonight. As they sat at the dim lit table Jeff started conversation, "Bill, you know... you're very special to me." Bill was flustered and knew what was coming. "bill, will you ma-" bill burt out saying "STOP!" Jeff gave him a confused and concerned look, "w-what" Jeff said weakly. Bill "NO, YES, F*CK IT! I AM IN LOVE WITH ALBERT EINSTEIN AND HE IS IN LOVE WITH ME AND DONT YOU F*CKING GIVE ME THAT LOOK JEFF BECAUSE I DIDNT HAVE F*CKED YOUR BFF. YOU TWO HAVE BROKEN UP FOR 3 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS BEFORE WE EVEN HAD S3X SO I DIDNT BETRAY YOU. PLUS YOU ARE TERRIBLE FOR EACH OTHER AND YOU KNOW IM RIGHT AND YOU GUYS CAN ALL JUDGE ME IF YOU WANT I DO NOT CARE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER" Jeff was stunned..

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