Chapter 4 : "The house always wins"

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Wtf is happening in my A/N i said my freind died but today at school she was in class is this even real wtf but um lets go to the chapter ig also get ready for my useless music updates of songs im listening to. And i might update my other story today but idk

3rd person pov:

"Let me explain the rules first" XD said in a leader voice. Music update: killer queeny one of  my fav song omgg "so to make this simple we will say 2 true things that happened here and 1 lie.if you can guess which one is a lie you live, if you guess wrong you die" he said. Music update: I can't decide.

"So who wants to go first" he said pitting on an innocent act. Everyone remained quiet.:ok fine then ill pick" he said annoyed. OMFGG MY FAVORITE SONG JUST CAME ONNN ITS CALLED DONT LOSE YOUR HEAD wow im rlly annoying with this huh?

"Ok then Quackity and Teacher guy come up and play" He said menacingly. With that being said they both walled up to eachother and started the game.

Duck bitch pov:

"Well you look quite odd for a teacher hmm?" I said trying to piss him off "Can we just start. I dont want to be here any longer than I have to be" he said in response to my annoyance. Ugh your no fun.

"Ok fine lets start. Umm I once married 2 people at the same time." That sentence alone caught him off guard. "I've blown up L'manburg , and I own a country." After I said that he had a cocky smirk plastered on his face."Well its clear you dont own a country" he said which kinda offended me but I brushed it off. Music update: freinds or not and meet me at our spot :)

"Oh is that your final answer"I asked "yes it is" he said with slight worry in his eyes. "Hmm wrong answer" I chuckled as I watched him panic. "Well class say goodbye to your teacher" *Throws a coin with a "X]" in the air and catches it*"Oh great its tails" i say as my eyes start glowing yellow and red.The class tried to run at him but gets stoped by dream as he pulls green string like restraints on them. *takes out a netherite sword* "NO STOP" the class yelled out.

"Sorry guys" I said as I stabbed him in the chest. "Sorry" the entire server was being filled with cries and blood curdling screams. "SORRY CLASS" I said as I stabbed him even more. "SORRY CLASS" I said once more while laughing and stabbing him even more. "Like I always say"I started

"The House Always Wins"






Lol thanks for reading lmao



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