bad bitches also have bad days

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excuse me while i get into my feelings for a sec but i fr gotta tell someone this

i've really been trying my best to stay calm and quiet but sometimes i really don't know what to do with myself anymore i love writing story's but it also gets overwhelming and tiring which is one of my main reasons for not updating a lot i can't even talk to anybody about it i keep getting told to get help but i don't even know what i  need today i kinda hate everybody school is to stressful i just wanna talk to somebody that gets me and i can't even tell anybody about this because they won't care nobody cares i'm just here for the fun and laughs i don't even know why i'm on this earth i don't even know who to trust i feel like im not doing enough this might just be my autism but i can't focus ever and i really can't even remember anything before 6th grade i'm in 8th this is too hard for me i don't even have real friends my entire life is spent on discord with four people that i don't even know in real life whenever i try to talk to people they just hate me automatically i feel like crying and giving up i even tried to confess to sen but she started dating my other friend an hour before and didn't even tell me i just can't with anything life isn't fair i can't even be creative why is everyone dead people from this one discord server we're making fun of me for being SA'd how was that even my fault today i really hate everybody and that's just me being real

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