Chapter 6

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Jimmy pov

Jimmy had no idea what he was doing.

It was 6pm when Katherine stormed into his house demanding to know where Scott was with Shubble and his sister Lizzie right behind her

"WHERE IS HE" yep Katherine was REALLY angry plants were even starting to sprout from the ceiling

Jimmy was probably going to die if he didn't show her Scott was safe and unharmed however one thing

He had no idea where Scott was

Since the short elf had never left his kingdom he decided his only hope was to find a place he was sure the mischievous man was

Luckily he got lucky with his guess when he walked into the palace gardens and found Scott watering a few poppies

"SCOTT YOU IDIOT YOU SCARED ME" Katherine yelled out running straight for him, Jimmy couldn't help but feel bad for Scott as he turned and was literally tackled to the ground in a big hug

"Hello Katherine" Scott said laughing "I'm sorry for scaring you i'm fine see? No need to worry" and gently started rubbing circles on her back

So maybe Jimmy was a little jealous you know maybe just a tiny bit 

Before he could say something else someone behind him cleared their throat 

"Hey i'm sorry for interrupting this but Kathrine do you mind following me for awhile?" It was Shubble and my god Shubble next to his sister was tiny. "Of course!" And like that Katherine happily stood up and walked away with Shubble like she had not just been at Jimmy's throat a few seconds ago

Scott just laughed at them again and stood up "Y'know both of them have had a crush on eachother for awhile now hopefully they can get together" "Right.." He didn't realise his sister was right behind him until she tapped on his shoulder, pointed outside and gave him a thumbs up

He just nodded

He still didn't know what he was doing


Lizzie pov

As I stepped outside of the royal garden Shubble ran up to me followed by Katherine and started jumping up and down

"How is operation matchmaking going?" She asked excitedly "operation matchmaking?" Oh right we haven't told Katherine "Operation matchmaking: get Jim and Scott together" Katherine just grinned asnd asked do I have any chance of getting in? I nodded happily and said "The more the merrier" "Lizzie did you give Jimmy any tips?" "Nope he'll be perfectly fine on his on!"

"Nice!" Katherine said and widened her smile "So we just wait outside?" "What about the •you know what•" Shubble said mischievously "Shubble!" "Sorry!"

(Brain ded no thoughts just gay)

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