Chapter 8

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(My brain is dead and revived I am so coffee deprived but it's so fucking bitter gjgcrujgcgurie4giyufc4gAHHHHHHHHHH anyways have my dog staring at me because I wouldn't leave him alone when I gave him a treat)

Scott pov (alright Kokichi kinnie don't hate on him yeah? Just like deal with Scott in this au)

Now how did Scott get himself into this predicament 

He was flying home when suddenly an arrow shot him in the wing which caused him to crash into the water a few shouting voices was all he heard before the world went black

When he woke up he saw that he was put into a sort of cell, he immediately started looking around for any clues of where he could be, gold. Gold everywhere. Which place had gold?

Mezalia? It was built in a biome with alot of gold, maybe Joel got him? Okay who else other than Joel...

As he was thinking he suddenly heard footsteps and pretended to be asleep 

"There he is, you wanted to see him right? Well anyways enjoy your stay here aswell!" No no that was Joey's voice, why would Joey do this? And who else was here? He heard a door open and slam before the sound of footsteps got quieter

"Scott? Are you awake?" He instantly shot up "Gem?" "Yeah it's me" "Gem why are you here!? Why did Joey lock us in, why-" "Hey hey let's not panic" Scott hated it but he listened to her and took a few seconds to calm himself "Your wing looks pretty bad" Thankfully the cells Joey had built had bars connecting to the other cell (I know, stupid, why would you let your prisoners see eachother smh Joey smh)

"Yeah I was shot down" Thankfully Joey had bandaged his wings but the blood had seeped through the bandages in a few spots 

Gem just shook her head but before she could answer footsteps along with a few voices were heard Scott stood up and walked towards the bars leading to the main hallway determined to ask Joey why both he and Gem were here

As Joey walked up towards his cell he couldn't help but notice a first aid kit in his hands, why was he holding a first aid kit?

"Hello Scott" Too smug sounding for Scott maybe he could wipe that dirty little grin off Joey's face with an icicle "Joey" "Awww why so harsh? I even went through the trouble to grab a first aid kit to rebandage your wings" huh what Joey wanted to rebandage his wings?

"Don't look at me like that I maybe cruel but i'm not a monster I know how long it takes to keep wings in a pristine way too long if you ask me" "Joey, I know self defense the moment you step in here i'm gonna punch you and run away" Joey smirk just got wider which didn't reassure Scott

"Oh I know that, that's why I brought help!" "Hey!" Sausage popped up like a stupid jack in a box Scott always hated them

"Sausage why-" "Don't question him Scott or else we won't rebandage your wings might as well let the blood soak through hm?" Scott just gave up then and there "Fine"

And with that, Joey and Sausage unlocked his cell and walked in Scott just sat down on the floor and waited for them

Joey sat down behind him and looked at him "unfold your wings Scott" oh yeah Scott had to unfold his wings

As Joey took of the bandages and started rubbing healing ointment (man it stung) Sausage sat infront of Scott and gestured for his hand, not wanting to cause a commotion Scott gave him his hand and Sausage started rubbing circles in his palm which soothed Scott down (Istg if any of you say Sausage x Scott in the comments imma 🤺🤺🤺 jk Sausage is doing that because idk abt you but healing ointment sucks asf so goddamn painful rghhhh)

"Thank you Sausage" "No problem buddy!" He wished he could be as optimistic as Sausage but then he remembered that Sausage wasn't the one trapped so he didn't need to be gloomy

One hour later Joey finished rebandaging his wings and both men left his cell plus by the time they were done Gem had fallen asleep so they couldn't plan an escape plan right now

What were they going to do now?

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