Chapter 27

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(I don't know what i'm doing anymore😫)

TW: mentions of torture and blood, if you don't like this kinda shit don't read

Scott pov


Everything, everyone, it all felt painful 

Scott thought that maybe, just maybe, Xornoth had been joking and was going to just lock them up there and neglect them

He was oh so horribly wrong.

Instead the next few days were like hell, heck maybe even the darkest depths of hell where all the most horrible people went for punishment 

His limbs were constantly ripped off and regenerated, carvings engraved onto his back, and much more that he wouldn't like to go into detail of just because of how traumatic it was

But he got it better, due to him being Xornoth's little brother the demon still had mercy and did everything fast so that Scott wouldn't have to suffer that much. Sometimes if there wasn't much screaming he would be given fruits to eat

But he could hear, through the thin walls were the screams of his friends in much more horrible pain than him

And he couldn't help them

All he could do was wait in his.. room? chamber? void? He didn't know what to call what they were contained in but it was definitely something deadly

His blood was spilt across the walls of his containment and floor, the metal door placed right in front of him as if taunting the elf. And a clock slowly ticking in the background

Today was a bit different though

Due to him not crying at all today he was given a bigger bowl of fruits than usual, however as he got ready to eat it uncomfortably with one hand again, he felt both hands come free

He looked up at his brother in confusion and met a pair of human purple eyes


His brother had chosen his human form now, and was now staring at him expectantly 

"If you think i'm going to leave you alone like normal then you're wrong, the metal door doesn't have a lock and I can't risk you getting out. Now eat" The man insisted, pushing the bowl towards Scott

Scott looked at him in confusion before taking the bowl and eating the contents, fearing that if he waited too long he might get inpatient and take the bowl back

Scott felt tense as he ate, looking up now and then to see those piercing pair of electric eyes staring back at him

Suddenly a voice came from the opposite side

"Scott do you think you would've joined me in other worlds?"

Scott looked up at his brother confused before shaking his head

"I don't know"

"Do you want to join me?"

Scott froze. Should he join him? No, his friends need him. He's Aeor's champion, he's the good twin

He's supposed to be the end of his brother

Yet he pondered, would he be happier? He would get to live his life with his elder brother. his family

But no. Jimmy wouldn't be happy, Gem wouldn't be happy, he wouldn't have his friends at his side

He had his answer


A simple answer and short word yet it could make the strongest people break and the most confident people sway

Isn't that funny?

Xornoth laughed under his breath

"Guess I should've expected that answer shouldn't I?"

Scott didn't answer, he just ate. Xornoth didn't like conversations, he knew that. Whenever they had public events Scott would do the talking, Xornoth was just.. there

Xornoth was a reminder of the Smajor family's most powerful people, his aura was intense and strong. He could command seasoned warriors with ease and without falter, it was rare for him to speak but when he did he never stuttered. It was straightforward and without hesitation, this easily made him the scarier of the two

Scott was the exact opposite, he was a reminder of the Smajor family's most creative people, with him giving off a friendly and easygoing aura, making him easier to approach and make friends. He thought up stories no one could ever think off, he thought of the most creative solutions which ended up saving his kingdom and he built the most beautiful buildings

They both wanted what the other had, with Xornoth wanting to learn how to be nice and friendly while Scott wanted to be taken seriously instead of being seen as the weaker of the brothers 

As Scott finished up his fruits Xornoth waved his hand and the bowl disappeared, Scott laid down on the ground and prepared himself for the cold shackles to meet his wrists again but it never happened 

Instead Xornoth let him lay there, staring at his brother fondly before ruffling the other's hair and leaving the containment

Scott grew suspicious, Xornoth was acting weird, he was about to stand up before he heard the sound of the door being locked. Of course

Xornoth may be acting friendly but there was a limit to everyone's friendliness and he was no exception 

But Scott savoured the freedom, he laid down and slept soundly and contentedly, afterall his past few attempts at sleeping were failures due to him having to stand up all of the time 


When he woke up he had been transferred to a different room, he knew that because this room was cleaner and Joey was right next to him

The parrot hybrid was completely passed out, with soft snores and shaky breaths coming out of the other

He decided to use this time to explore, the room was big. And there was no sign of malicious entent, that just made Scott even more suspicious of Xornoth

The door was very obviously locked and there were a few pillows and blankets folded up into a neat pile, Scott took a blanket and a pillow and slowly lifted up Joey's head before sliding the pillow underneath and covering him in the blanket

Now there were two options to choose from.Go back to sleep or sit around and do nothing

It was very obvious what Scott did next

He grabbed two pillows, laid down on one and held the other before covering himself in the warm blanket

He didn't care if this was turning out to be a trap, he was tired

So he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep with no dreams

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