Chapter 17

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(That picture perfectly depicts my mental health and status 👍)

Jimnuts pov (I have the best nicknames✨)

As he waited for Scott to get ready he couldn't help but think about the plans he had prepared today, in all honesty, they did have something planned, Jimmy had arranged a picnic with his sister who was bring her husband. She had asked for Scott to follow aswell so that they could catch up and just chat and knowing Scott, he would've picked something super fancy so he decided to lie and say that they had nothing planned

Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Scott walked out, long cyan hair flowing behind him

"You know Scott you should really cut your hair" 

"Cut my hair!? No no Jimmy it makes my beauty points go up"

Jimmy just rolled his eyes at this and pulled Scott closer to give him a quick peck on the cheek before giving Scott a black hairband

Scott giggled, gave Jimmy a quick kiss back before walking to the dressing table and tying his hair

The cod father smiled at this and prayed to the gods Scott would forgive him for lying to the short elf


Liz pov (Do ya'll ever look back at your stories and cringe? No? Lucky. *cries in can't write*)

The ocean queen was very excited that she couldn't keep her face neutral when she visited her husband; King Joel of Mezalea, to tell him the good news

"Alright Liz, what is it? you haven't been this excited since our wedding" The king said smirking at her

"Me and Jimmy arranged a picnic together! It's taking place in Rivendale in the peony garden!"

Joel's expression visibly brightened at this "Is that so? And am I invited"

"Of course you are you big doofus now get ready, if we're late i'm having your head"


As they reached the picnic spot she saw Scott playfully hitting Jimmy, indicating that Jimmy had done something bad

Once she landed she immediately targeted Jimmy

"Alright Jim, what did you do"

The codfather was about to reply before Scott interrupted him 

"He lied to me and said we had nothing today!" Scott pouted slapping Jimmy's arm again

"Ow! In my defense you wouldn've picked something super fancy and that would look weird since we're all wearing normal clothes at a picnic"

Lizzie just rolled her eyes at this "Alright you two cut it out, here I brought some food"

Joel nodded at this "I killed many chickens for that"

He was whacked with a nearby peony

"Liz! Just ask me for a dead peony no need to uproot one just to whack Joel!" The Ocean Queen just smiled at this "Sorry oh great king of Rivendale, by the way pass the mango cakes"

Jim then turned to Liz and Joel "Is Joey doing alright since... the incident?" Suddenly Lizzie didn't feel like speaking, luckily Joel spoke for her "He's doing alright, still a bit shaken but alright. Pearl takes good care of him and he sometimes visits"

Immediately after it was confirmed Joey was okay, Scott changed the subject "Anyways! Liz look what I found, it's like an orb I really don't know what it is but it has the ocean colours"

The ocean queen was immediately intrigued "Ohhh that looks nice" she then pulled out a pair of diamond boots out of her bag, the boots looked well crafted and decorated with the Rivendale symbol carved into the back; A deer with long antlers and an owl sitting on it's back

"Here, it has the Rivendale symbol carved in the back of the boots" Scott took it and after inspecting it he nodded "Thanks Liz"

"Come on guys we're having this picnic to catch up with eachother not to trade" Jimmy joked with Joel nodding in agreement 

"That's true, now, how is the relationship between you two hmm?" 


"What? I'm asking out of curiosity Scott"

Lizzie was definitely not making it out of this picnic with all of her braincells


(Watch me whip now watch me nae nae)

Once they landed in Mezalea Lizzie launched into one of her disappointed wife lectures

"Did you really have to tease them about that?"

"Awww come on it was funny"

"Fair enough love"

And after a quick kiss from each side they returned to their respectful kingdoms

(I'm never writing long kisses it just feels weird)


Scotty boy pov (told you I have the best nicknames😌)

As Scott was getting ready for bed he was suddenly tackled by his lover

"Jimmy!" Scott laughed "Get off"

"No can do Scott I love you too much" Jimmy replied starting to play with the other's hair

As Scott was brushing his teeth he caught a sad look on Jimmy's face in the mirror and figured that something was not right 

"What's wrong dear?" He asked spitting out the toothpaste and washing his mouth

"Hm? Nothing petal just.. I'm getting bad vibes from those boots, I kjow Liz would never curse them but.. be careful"

"I'll be fine, what can a pair of boots do?"

(Alot Scott. Alot. Anyways angst next chapter HAHA)

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