"You're so different from everyone Cara."

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I smiled at the sight of Noah bending his head down to look at me straight into my eyes, I pouted and shifted my balance to my toes and he bent down a little more to bring his ear to my mouth, understanding my gesture of trying to whisper something in his ear.

He is the cutest.

"Let's go drink." I whispered low.

He turned his face to me, still bending down, our faces were extremely close. His brown strands of hair looked detailed and his brown eyes were shining at me, "Let's go, beautiful."

I covered my mouth and giggled at his comment.

He smiled and straightened his posture. I walked to the kitchen with him following me suit, our hands still embracing each other. His touch was still giving me chills but I tried to get used to it.

For the moment.

We entered the kitchen and got a bottle of alcohol and two red cups.

Noah poured in the alcohol and we took our seats to drink. He placed his arm on the headrest beside me and for a moment I thought he was gonna wrap it around my shoulders.


The burning sensation choked my throat as I took my first sip. I closed my eyes and scrunched my face as I gulped down the alcohol.

We didn't speak anything and just continued to drink. Soon enough I lost my count of how many cups I had. But I was sure it was more than 3 cups.

Noah was chuckling pockets beside me and I was laughing at his silly behavior.

"Why are you laughing Noah?" I tried to ask him in between my laughter.

"I don't know. It's just so funny that I can't stop laughing." He slapped his knee as he continued to laugh making his head fall back on the headrest of the couch.

"What is so funny?" I wasn't as drunk as Noah and I was able to control my laughter.

"How much you make me smile Cara. That's so funny." He muttered in a deep low voice and I had to think twice if I heard him right.

A smile creeped on my face, "I make you smile?"

"Hell you do!" He raised his voice and I could sense amusement lacing his words.

"Is it a good thing?" He picked his head and turned around his body so that now he was facing me completely.

His face looked as sexy as ever. His fine jawline was admirable and I wanted to run my fingers over it. He sticked his bold eyebrows together and tried to keep his eyes open.

"Can you take me to somewhere alone? And quite?" He requested me and I looked at him feeling miserable in my heart.

If only I met him before.

I stood up and held his hand to get him up, "Let's go cloudhead. It looks like you want to sleep." He stood up and layed his arm on me. Along with half of his weight. I stumbled on my feet and almost made us fall down but Noah held his balance and stopped us before we could have crashed.

"Are you even drunk or are you pretending again?" I laughed at his instincts recalling the memory from when I first met him. He was acting as if he was sleeping when he actually wasn't.

"Will you lay with me Cara?" He stumbled on his words when we were halfway the stairs. His words made me blush and I flickered my eyelashes trying not to lose my consciousness anymore.

I opened the door of the room Tyler had told me to use if I needed to. I walked to the bed and helped Noah sit down. I then walked back to close the door behind me.

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