The meeting

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A/N Hey! It's actually my first time posting stuff so don't be rude even though I'd really appreciate constructive critics. Also I'm French Canadian, I'm surely doing A LOT of mistakes, sorry. Hope you enjoy this first chapter :)

Y/N's POV:

I was at my usual bar, not like there was many gay bars around, the place was quite relax and friendly, actually it looked very old. Everything was in wood but the leds and tv were doing an even mix.

Jimmy, the bartender which grew to be a friend of mine handed me a beer. I talked with a few people when a magnificent red-head comes in sitting right next to me. She's minding her own business, so I let her be even though I can clearly feel she's extremely annoyed and tired about something.

I had these powers to feel and control other's emotions since I'm 19, that is also why I spent most of my free time in this bar; I tried to help people's insecurities and all.

"Glad to see new faces around!" I try to engage with the woman after a few minutes.

"Yeah.." She answers not minding to look at me.

" Well, what brings you here? You seem on edge...Rough day?" I ask

"You can put it like that" She scoffs "You? How come you're here?" I can feel she finds suspicious that I ask her questions, so I try and ease it a little

"Got nothing better to do than work so I come here on my free time listening to people's problems hoping to take a weight off their shoulders" I explain while she finally turns her head towards me and I see her piercing emerald green eyes, this woman isdefinitely the most beautiful I've ever seen

"How nice of you!" She replied not really caring about it " Bartender! Can I have a beer, please" Her attention completely switches in a matter of less than a second

I don't push it anymore and we spent most of the night in silence except a few friends of mine that came to talk about their lives. I'm still pretty sure she threw a few glances my way one time to an other

"Well! It was great to meet you!" I say standing up to leave " Hope to see you around.." I trail off

"Natalie" She continued for me and there were no way this was her real name, but it's still none of my business

"See you around Natalie! Bye Jimmy Jim!" I say leaving and hearing a small reply from him

The next Friday, I'm still at the bar and Natalie comes in, same time same feelings inside even though her outside seems way lighter than last time

"Hey Natalie!" I greet as she sits next to me

"Oof, must be a boring ass Friday If you came back to see her" Jimmy jokes making her laugh lightly

"Hey!!" I exaggerate " I know I'm bad at meeting people but I didn't do that bad, did I?" I ask unsure and it turns into a 25 minutes debate about it

"Okay, I'll prove my point once and for all" He says as I gesture him to do so " I'm sorry to bother you, Natalie? Right?" She looks up at him "Did miss over there told you her name last night" He asks pointing to me

When she shakes her head no, I laugh awkwardly and say "Sorry I'm Y/N, Y/N Anderson" Natalie gives me a small yet wonderful smile and Jimmy does his little victory dance

After this, the night went pretty much the same as last Friday except this time Natalie talked to me once or twice, which is an improvement!This is so weird, I was literally obsessed by this woman I met twice.

Third Friday starters the same but after a small talk with someone I tried to talk to her again " Natalie, I was asking myself, what do you do for a living?" And as the words got out of my mouth she looked at me like I was an alien "Sorry, it's so out of the blu-"

She cuts me off " No it's okay, I'm just wondering why" She laughed and I swear this sound was to pretty to be human

"W-w-well curiosity, I guess" I stammer

"I work for Tony Stark, officer Anderson" Natalie answered me and that sure explained a lot, Stark looked like a cool show on tv...but in a day to day life...Nah, it seemed like a living hell

"Wait! How do you know I'm N.Y.P.D.!?" I ask in disbelief, realizing, I never told her

"It's literally written 'cop' on your forehead at this point Anderson" A friend of mine answered as he heard me yelling the last sentence

I looked at Natalie pleading her with my eyes for her to refute my friend's statement. "He's kind of right here..." She answered lightly like it would impact my reaction. I sigh in defeat

"Oh! C'mon Smokey the Bear don't be sad" The same guy that yelled came over to tease me more

So my strategy is to fake pout "I'm not Smokey the Bear" I reply sounding like an angry 4 years old

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Anderson" He says rolling his eyes and playing with my undercut while I playfully push him "Well I'll leave you 2 to your therapy session, you'll see she's doing more than great when you open up"

"I'm not doing her therapy stuff" Natalie tries to interject but he's already gone.

" Sure you don't want to talk a bit? I mean it's free" I joke.

" Not really the talking kind as you can see. Plus I'm totally fine, thanks officer Anderson." She kindly refuse

This woman definitely needed to talk, she always felt...exhausted, even though on the outside she hid it damn well! Plus, she spoke like 4 times tonight and I know she's not the talking type but 4 sentences in almost
6 hours...It's not normal, there's something off.

"Then maybe talk about it to a closer friend that has the chance to know you!" I say patting her shoulder and standing up. " Guess I'll call it a night, have of the night Natalie..Oh and call me Y/N, officer Anderson is way too formal for me" I walk out shouting. "Bye Jimmy Jim!"

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