Family Reunion

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Y/N's POV:

We stay like that for less than a minute before Nat pulls away. "Any ideas for a next destination?" She says while walking out of the cemetery.

I hesitate a few seconds, but Nat gives me a look that clearly tells me I can't back down anymore. "I know it's not the best timing with what happened here, but I'd like answers too. I can't live with a 10 years hole in my life anymore. A hope in which I only know I killed people and trained with the Winter Soldier." I explain

"And you think your parents might have the answer." She finishes for me as I nod. "Then we're heading to Calgary tomorrow morning." Her answer makes butterflies erupt within me. She's so kind, too much for her own good.

"Before we meet them, you need to know they're... they're special..." I try to explain as best as I can while remaining polite.

"I'm sure they are very good people. They must be, to have raised someone like you." She compliments, even though her words warm my hear, I can't help but sigh. Is this really the truth. "You've never really told me about them."

I stop walking and hold both her hands so she stops walking too, we've arrived to the car anyway. "My father, he's probably the living stereotype of an Albertan man who loves capitalism. My mother, she's from Quebec City, but probably not the stereotype you'd make from people living there... The- They're a weird match, you'll understand better once you see them." I sum up, struggling to describe my own parents.

She smiles cutely. "I'm sure it'll be better than what you imagine." I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Nat then takes a second to look around and make sure no one's watching before pecking my lips and jumping in the car which I'll be driving, apparently.

We spent the whole night cuddling in a crappy motel's bed and went back to the Quinjet -in Moscow- the day after. The flight to Calgary was another 10 hours, we spent time like we could, mostly sleeping. But we still found ways to have fun...

Nat's POV:

"Wake up love," Even half asleep, that nickname out of her mouth feels like happiness in transfusion. "we've arrived." I must've fallen asleep again, the drive from where we landed to here was another hour and a half and time zones made it so we left Moscow at 9 A.M. to arrive here at 11. Confusing.

Y/N helps me out of the car and that's only when I see what we're in front of. It's a big ass mansion. It has the gates, water fountain, red bricks, secondary house, all of it.

"Where the hell are we?" I mumble in disbelief.

"I don't like talking about my parents' money, so I didn't." She explains awkwardly. "Plus, the building in itself is really boring. The people keeping it in shape make it so cool." She adds.

"Is that how you got your huge ass appartement?" I joke, exaggeratedly raising an eyebrow.

Her head flies backward in exasperation, she probably got accused of that several times before. "Last time a cent of theirs went through my hands was when I was 19." She answers, moving behind me. "Now, can we move on!" She requests, literally pushing me. I spin around, daring her to do that again, and that little brat most certainly would've if we didn't get interrupted.

"Miss Anderson, your father wants to see you, and I quote 'right fuckin' now'" A butler says. They have servants too!?

"Nah, Alfred. Stop messing with me, you don't even sound like him." My girlfriend says, accusingly pointing the man.

"Only when you'll stop calling me 'Alfred' you superhero obsessed young lady!" The man answers, a huge smile making its way on his face as he hugs the woman. He's very tall compared to Y/N, maybe 6'3. I'd say he's in his early fifties, black hair, neatly placed, just like his beard is perfectly shaved.

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