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Y/N's POV:

We finally get inside and I look around amazed at the huge training area. It got anything a fighter  -or assassin-  could dream of, musculation section, cardio, ring/spar, shooting range and training dummies.

" I wish the police station had that." I comment captivated, testing a few things.

"Well if you joined-"

"Natasha. I swear to all the gods there could be above, that if you ruin that moment by finishing that sentence about me joining S.H.I.E.L.D., you can shove that 2nd date up your ass." I threaten.

"Sorry... old habit" She apologies barely above a whisper.

"It's ok... just so you know I saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. Logo at the entrance, I just elected to ignore it since I'm hopeful this isn't the reason we're here." I explain the conversation getting very serious within a few seconds. That's why I'm quite surprised when Nat hugs me tightly, making both our body relax from the tension that was quickly rising.

We stay like that a few minutes, feeling safe in each other's arms until she slowly pulls away clearing her throat. "So, um.... What do you wanna start with?"

"The G-32!" I exclaim excitedly trying to lighten the mood.

"Glocks it is " She says preparing the targets of our ranges.

We start shooting and and I purposefully take the wrong stance, to make sure I don't look too good for a simple cop...

I see her looking at me a few times as I'm 'struggling'. She obviously wants to solve what's wrong with my positionnement, after a while she finally decides to drop her gun and come to me. "Your aim is horrible because of how you're placed." She states sighing.

"Rude!" I say, but it goes unnoticed as she gently kicks my feet to place them at shoulder length "My aim is ok." I defend even though it was indeed catastrophic.

"Y/N it looks like you're missing on purpose, you didn't hit the center once." She replies sounding honest and guilty of how rude it was, supposing I'm technically no doing it on purpose. It made me internally sigh in relief as she didn't exactly picked up on the fact that I really am voluntarily missing.

She continues to delicately change my position  with her hands, making me feel like I'm in a classical romance movie and I love it. "Maybe I'm just trying to make you underestimate me" I argue teasingly, trying to sound 'mysterious'.

"О, я знаю что ты милый, но я хочу знать, поему" (oh I know you are sweetheart,  but I wanna know why) She thinks out loud and even though the fact she knows something is up is quite bad. Nat casually speaking Russian is so hot, I hardly care.

"Nat, i don't speak Russian." I lie gulping as her face is right next to my ear where I can feel her warm, comforting breath.

"That's why I spoke Russian." She answers  nonchalantly. "Now try to shoot again." She encourages, obviously, since she placed me perfectly, it's way easier for me to aim correctly

I chuckle at the result on the target, it's basically better than what I'd usually do without sabotaging myself. Definitely taking notes out of this. "Gotta admit, I'm suddenly doing great."

"See you've went from horrific to fairly good!" She compliments. "I'm still trying to understand how your police instructors taught-"

"Pause, Pause, Time out" I cut her off "Fairly good!? I almost hit the center every time! I'd like to see you do 'fairly good'" I defend slightly offended.

"Don't take it personally, baby" She says kissing my cheek.

"I will until you prove to me that what I did is nothing compared to what you can do." I demand falsely pouting.

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