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Nat's POV:

"The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What do you got Stark?" He asks to the other co-leader.

"Huh? Nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city." The billionaire starts uneasily. "That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Rogers refuses.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice."

"Cap... These people are going nowhere." No matter how much we want to, we can't possibly get them all down. "If Stark finds a way to blow this rock-"

"Not 'til everyone is safe."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there?" Y/N says, trying to make the Captain listen to us. "As horrible to say as it is. There's not math there."

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it!" He insists.

"I didn't say we should leave." I argue, I feel a hand lacing itself to mind as I say these words. I look at her and start stroking her hand with my thumb. She feels quite serene with this situation, and me too. Rogers looks at me worriedly, but still considering I guess as I can only nod. "There's worse ways to go."

"Besides, the view's pretty fucking sick, isn't it?" She's right, we can't see sights like these anywhere else. We're above the clouds and there's not a single sound. It's peaceful.

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." Nick?

And like that, just before our eyes, an helicarrier comes into view. "See, love? That's good timing." I tease, as she rolls her eyes.

"Nice, right? Pulled her out of mothballs e a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."

"Fury you son of a bitch." I think we just infected Rogers e the swearing disease.

"Ooh! You kiss your mother a that mouth?" The director jokes.

Right after that the lifeboats exit the giant machine and the Maximoff boy appears to contemplate with us.

"This is S.H.I.E.L.D.?" He asks.

"This is what S.H.I.E.L.D. is supposed to be Steve replies proudly.

"This is not so bad." He comments in wonder.

"Let's load 'em up." The Cal orders, running towards the civilians groups. I'm about to follow, but Y/N doesn't let go of my hand.

"Hey umm, I know we were talking about dying a minute ago, but I really need you to stay with me. Stay alive." She has said this sentence so many times and never was she so scared.

"I'll do my best." I reply, then kiss her quickly. Once I pull away, I see her cheeks are all red, since I caught her off guard. "Stop worrying about me and watch out." I request, jogging away and this time she lets go of my hand and follows me.

We help everyone get to safety, Rhodey showing up and keeping the boys at bay while we do so, thankfully.

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier." Stark orders his best friend, on the team's channel.

"On it." War Machine replies.

"Avengers, time to work for a living." That means we gotta get to the center of the city. Great.

Y/N groans and j look at her wanting to do the same, but spot our ride in the distance. I point the bulldozer, she looks at it and her eyes light up when she looks back at me.

Give us a chance? (Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now