Chapter 1: New Arrivals

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(A/N: Hello everyone! Here's the first chapter of the book. Even though I've worked on other private projects, I have been romanticizing with the idea of writing my own Kh story for a while now, but never actually got to doing anything. Until a certain project was announced. As some of you may know already, two weeks ago they announced Kingdom Hearts 4. That's what made me scream "It's now or never!". So, here we are! Hope you enjoy it! Fair warning: First Chapter is a long read...)

'Michael, or maybe I should say Umbra.. Yeah, Umbra.. He always had a desire to help everyone. He wanted to make everyones lives better and bring them all together. I wanted the same.. not exactly the same, but the same. I wanted to bring happiness to all around me, and I still do, but I feel like something is missing. Ever since Umbra gave me my key I have felt like something is missing, and I don't know what it is. I thought that the answer would be among the countless of stars. Hehe, who would've known that I'd be right...'

*A Year Later*

Akari POV
Umbra and I arrived at the Keyblade Graveyard. A vast and desolate world, filled with sand and gusts of wild wind. "So, tell me what we should do now that we are here" Umbra said. "You should be the one telling me what to do. You're the one with the all mighty key after all" I responded. "Yeah, right..." Umbra said. He pointed towards an entrance to a cave and started walking over to it. I followed behind, relieved that the responsibility wasn't mine for a change. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not responsible, but I never liked the idea of having the weight of the world on my shoulders...

Umbra was a few steps ahead of me, so he didn't notice that the sky was a little grey. It was weird, like something was covering the sun's light. I didn't notice I was standing still looking at the sky until Umbra called my name. I snapped out of it and picked up my pace to arrive next to him. We slowly walked through the dark cave. Our eyes squinted for clues as to what was in front of us. We managed to see a column signaling a turn in the cave. Hopefully leading to a way out. A few more turns and we found the exit to the cave. Only to be met with the unexpected.

A huge swarm of Heartless invaded the area. Blocking almost every ray of the sun. "No wonder the skies looked grey" I said. "Do we attack or do we just evade?" Umbra asked. I rubbed my index finger against my chin, as I held it in between my index finger and my thumb. Thinking it through I came to favor the safest course of action. "I think we should just evade them for now. If we really hope to stop this, then we shouldn't waste time" I said. He let out a small smile and patted my shoulder. "Look at you! Actually making good decisions!" Umbra said playfully. "Hardy Har-har, you're the reckless one!" I said. "Excuse me?! Says the guy who jumped into a pit filled with 50 Darksides knowing it was a suicide mission!" Umbra almost laughed out. "Who ordered me to do so?!?!" I said, holding onto my laughter. "It was a joke! I didn't expect you to do it! But you went ahead and did it anyway and I was left standing there like an idiot!" Umbra said. I couldn't hold my laughter any longer, he was right. "Alright, alright. We are two reckless forces of nature, but we can't waist any more time." I said, gesturing him to follow me. We both walked slowly along the border of the Heartless storm. Heartless spinning in circles making it appear as a giant tornado of darkness and despair. Thankfully it didn't notice us, but we noticed something within it. We saw glimpses of blasts of pure light within the center of the storm. Umbra looked straight into my eyes, I knew what he was going to say. We HAD to help. So.. we did...

Yen Sid's POV
The Heartless have only become more restless. I tried to escape after I distracted them but my efforts were futile. Donald and Goofy were behind me as they too struggled with the vast amount of Heartless. The Heartless were upset by something I could not perceive. From the corner of my left eye I saw a brilliant flash of light starting to manifest. The Heartless started to go on a frenzy, not minding what actions I might take they only focused on this unkown figure. He was as tall as Lea. His skin was tanned like Xehanort's own. He looked as strong as Terra once was. His hair was strange as black as the heartless, if not more, and it only covered the top of his head in the shape of curls. The sides were faded. He wore a sleeveless grey robe with black lines along its edges. Blackened pants and boots. On the only hand that I could see, I saw he wore a fingerless glove. The last detail I saw from his person was an arm band made if some sort of metal. After that last detail I was blinded by the light expelled by whatever the young man was holding.

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