Wretched Yellow Eyes

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Akari POV
I did NOT think that was gonna work. To be honest I thought I was gonna meet my maker. Could I have survived if I had left this guy to fry? Yes, but that's not me. I made my key vanish and bent over to him. At least, I believe its a him now. "Hey, Marluxia, right? You okay?" I asked. I wrapped his arm around my neck. He slowly stood up with my help. "I didn't need your help.." Marluxia said. He stepped away from me, a few feet at least. The feminine figure trotted towards him and once they were together the feminine figure placed a hand on Marluxia's arm. They nodded towards each other and the feminine figure let go of him. Marluxia, although hooded, looked over to me. "Why?.. I could have escaped on my own.. Why save your enemy when you could even up the battlefield?" Marluxia asked. I looked around to see all eyes were on me. A stranger that comes out of nowhere and fights to stop war, above all saving the enemy disregarding his own life. Holding secrets that could bring forth either numerous profits or irreparable damage. Heh, almost sounds like a good plot for a movie...
Anyway, I looked back at Marluxia and said: "All hearts matter. Any conflict that leads to a heart being lost, is not a conflict worth fighting for. What good will stopping the war be if I let you all die or even kill you?" I answered earnestly. Most of them didn't expect that answer. "Heh. I don't know if that was sincere or if you're just a fool" Marluxia said. I just shrugged it off. "By the way, you told me that you could have escaped, but the way you were going you weren't going to stop attacking. So, what, do you know me from someplace else or did I say something to upset you?..." I said. Marluxia slightly tilted his head, not knowing how to respond to what I said. "I have never met you in my life, so I would not know of what you speak off" Marluxia replied. I sighed at what he said. 'I guess he was just in the heat of the moment, although I could have sworn I felt something else. A hidden rage? Is he looking to aim it towards someone? To blame maybe for something of his past. No.. it would be clearer.' I thought to myself. I cleared my mind and came back to my old self again. "Well, at least we stopped fighting" I thought out loud. Definitely without thinking that anybody would hear me. Just as I said it I heard a voice call out "You fool" in a low but strong tone. Someone among the ranks of the Organization appeared behind me. "This fight is over.." said the figure now behind me, presumably preparing to strike me down where I stand. The figure swings towards my back and clashed against my now summoned key. The blade of the key faced my back as I block the attack. I glance to my left to see a hooded figure with a blue and grey sword, a claymore to be precise. The figure growled as they saw their attack fail, his grip struggling with my own. "I can't believe that you would attack me after I just saved your friend" I said. "He is not my friend" the figure said, emotionless. "Well that's gotta hurt.." I said jokingly towards Marluxia. I swiftly straightened my keyblade and attacked at his direction. I missed but he jumped back a couple of feet. After I saw that he waited patiently for a moment to strike, I looked behind me to see Luxord and the feminine figure ready their weapons. "I guess we will continue this fight" I told Marluxia. "I guess so.." said Marluxia bringing out his scythe on his dominant hand. A moment of silence was exchanged as we waited for who would strike first, me or the enemy. The enemy attacked first, rushing towards me.

The new figure tried to hack at me with his weapon only for me to dodge or block his attacks. I didn't want to go on the offensive, not quite yet. I always did like playing with my food...
After a few more blows and swift blocks on all sides I kicked him back to give me space. Marluxia swung his scythe towards my waist, so I turned and jumped backwards to get an opening on his back. As soon as my feet touched the ground I plunged forward delivering a left swing of my blade sending him flying towards my new ferocious opponent. I heard a whistling noice as knives were thrown my way. The figure meticulously aimed and waved their knives at me with the sole intention of getting rid of me. It seems the figure is angry about their reckless lightning spell, and they are taking it out on me. "What a pain" I muttered. I dodged most of them and reflected others. If they could be a pain in my ass, I could be one for them too! Luxord had the same idea of attacking from afar, although once I started reflecting them it didn't take long for him to notice that it wasn't a good idea. 'Hah, the irony, a deck dealer defeated by his own cards.' I thought to myself. Luxord then grinned upon his brain feeding him with a new idea. "Cards!" Luxord said loudly as his deck danced its way surrounding the five of us. I looked over to the Guardians of Light. Some looked admiring the skills I was showing, others actually looked at me with concern. Like that blue haired girl I smiled at earlier, her eyes showing a hint of worry as she saw me fighting. It felt..nice.. Luxord's voice saying "Look who's on the top of the game!" and an attack from the figure with the claymore were the things that brought me back to reality. The cards around us now twirled at high speeds as they circled us all. Another set of knives were thrown my way, but instead of reflecting them towards the figure throwing them I aimed for the cards. It hit the cards but didn't do anything. The cards seemed to absorb that damage. I began running around the area, almost like following the card's movements. Throwing spells like Fire and Blizzard, among others, to distract them and formulate a plan against them.

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