Chapter 2: The Mysterious Tower

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Umbra POV
We did it and there I was. I was standing outside The Mysterious Tower looking over at the portal I had just made. The first one to come out was Sora, who immediately grew a smile on his face at the sight of the tower behind me. He started walking my way and when he noticed me he waved. I simply waved waved back, feeling the corner of my lip creep up my cheek. "How's it going?" Sora asked me, probably trying to make a conversation. "Oh, it's going well. I'm more relaxed now knowing both you guys and my friend are safe" I said sincerely. "Yeah! I won't lie, there were moments when I was worried for him, but he pulled through. Oh man, I hope I get to be that strong one day!" Sora said. I laughed softly. He reminded me a bit of a younger Akari. "Don't worry Sora, I think you can do it. Although, it will require lots of work" I told him casually. He chuckled and gave me a 'Yeah'. That was until he shook his head and looked back at me. "Wait a minute, how do you know my name?" Sora asked...

Jeez, this just got awkward...

What was I thinking?! Blurting out his name like that! How do I explain it without giving him too much information...

My mind was racing. "Umm..." was the only thing that came out my mouth. That was until my salvation came in the form of a door crashing open. "Sora!" two voices behind me shouted. 'Oh thank God!' I thought as I stood aside the steps, evading the collision course. A white duck and another figure with a yellow hat jumped at Sora. Donald Duck and Goofy. "Donald! Goofy!" Sora said excitedly. I felt back in school, you know the times when you think of the correct answer for the question and then another kid says it instead. Just like that. "I knew you guys were safe! How did you get here?" Sora said. "Well, this young feller over hyere came to our rescue hyand told us to wait for you guys in Master Yen Sid's tower" Goofy said, pointing at me. I smiled at them before looking at the portal. Riku and Kairi had come out of the portal and were walking towards us. Although I looked over to see Riku and Kairi, they kept talking. "Did the other one help you out?" Donald asked. "You should have seen him, he fought the Organization off like it was nothing!" Sora said, as Riku and Kairi arrived and stood beside him. "What?!" Donald asked, surprised by the news. I chuckled silently, not wanting to interrupt. "Come on, we'll tell you all about it" Kairi. They went up the stairs. Kairi stopped halfway and looked behind her. I followed her gaze to the portal and saw Axel and Roxas, waiting for someone. Xion stepped out the portal and smiled at both of her friends. "Lea!" Kairi shouted, motioning her hand for him to follow them. Axel smiled and waved back telling her that he would be there soon. Kairi and the rest of her friends entered the tower while I waited for the trio of former Nobodies to enter the tower as well. The three of them chatted and walked my way. Axel and Xion began taking the stairs, but Roxas stayed behind and walked to me. "So, you're the guy Demyx told us about" Roxas told me. "Yeah. I hope Demyx made it back to Radiant Garden safely. I know Ienzo can be a little..stubborn when things don't go as he planned them" I said. "Oh, he got there alright. He wouldn't stop rambling on about your friend in the white robe. Heh, can't say I blame him now" Roxas said...

'Ughh. I hate the awkward silences in conversation. I mean I know his name and... I mean, how am I supposed to make conversation and act like we're the friends? That is not how stuff works in my world!'

I sighed. Then, another miracle occurred that made this awkward moment stop. We heard chatter around the portal and saw Ventus coming out from it, speaking with Terra as he then stepped out. A few moments later Aqua walked through it and smiled as she looked at her two long lost friends. Roxas and I watched as they began to walk towards us and the tower. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I should join the rest of my friends now" Roxas said. He took a few steps towards the steps before turning back to me. "By the way, I wanna thank you for helping my friends and I reunite. It means a lot" Roxas said. "If you wanna thank somebody for that, it should be my friend. He's the one who truly helped you guys and I know for a fact that he'd do it again. But for now, go back with your friends. You can thank him later" I told him. "Will do" Roxas said with a genuine smile. He turned around and walked up the stairs. Approaching chatter brought me back to the sight of the Wayfinder Trio. I saw Aqua laughing, covering her mouth with one hand as Ventus scratched the back of his head. Must be a good story. And it's good to see Aqua's spirits up, she deserves it after all those years lost in darkness. They all deserve it.

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