Untold Past Pt.2

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(A/N: Ima have to apologize that in the last chapter did not specify that it contained MAYOR spoilers for KHUx game. But for this one I will also advice that it has MAYOR spoilers and also a LOT of Lore. Enjoy the story)

Akari sobbed silently. His hands covered his eyes as he slowly calmed down. Umbra had his hand brushing Akari's back, secretly regretting having to ask Akari for what he did...

The Guardians of Light, and the rest, were a mess...

Kairi was sniffling as she held her mouth. Trying to control her cries. Her other hand wiped of the remaining tears on her eyes. She looked to her left, concerned for Riku and Sora.

Riku looked away from Akari, shamed that he even ever suggested that he might be a bad guy. A small tear escaped his left eye. Falling to the ground. Kairi saddened after seeing her friend in this state, but it could not compare for what she felt when she saw Sora...

Sora... he had been in tears. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks glistened with wet, clear lines. He had felt Akari's pain and his emotions. He had felt it before when he thought it impossible for Akari's burden to be as big as the Keyblade Graveyard... He was right...

Kairi ran to Sora and hugged him tightly. She had never seen him like this, showing this much emotion. Something inside her pushed her feet towards him, trying to soothe his gentle heart.

Lea, or Axel if you prefer, leaned against the wall, arms crossed and looking down. His eyes did not show signs of tears. They were sad, lost in thought. He almost laughed at the irony at first. He had only met Akari later that day and he already felt sad for him. But, now wasn't the time to joke around. Lea's attention laid elsewhere.

In front of Lea were Roxas and Xion. Xion had been sobbing into Roxas' collar most of the time. Roxas, although he had puffy eyes, wasn't crying. He focused solely on comforting Xion. Slightly leaning his head into her hair. Gently hugging her, but tight enough to let her know that she could continue and he wouldn't be bothered. Once calmed down, she only let tiny whispered sniffles. She shifted in his arms, slowly invading his neck. Hoping to comfort him as well. They would never admit it but their hearts jumped with happiness.

(A/N: Yes! I'm a faithful RokuShi/RokuShion shipper! I have nothing against RokuNami, but to me Roxas and Xion just make sense)

Terra held the bridge of his nose, trying to compose himself once more. He, alike Sora, had felt Akari's pain and his emotions. He had felt that something in his heart was, missing. Terra couldn't have imagined that Akari had gone through such a tragedy and still have a heart with light. He lowered his hand, eyes still closed shut. He straightened his posture and he inhaled and exhaled. Finalizing his process of composing himself. He looked to his left and looked at Aqua.

Aqua looked distraught. Eyes were wide open. Tears had silently streamed from her eyes and were now beginning to dry. Her lower lip still quivered. Both hands tightly clasped in front of her heart. Her eyes pointed directly towards Akari. Glued to the image of this l, broken, man. Her mind and her heart a mix of jumbled thoughts. Her mind taking in all the informationthat Akari had bravely divulged. Her heart filled to the brim with concern and even empathy towards him. She had survived ten years in the Realm of Darkness. He had lived through an unremarkably tragic event. In her heart she felt that in some way they were alike, and her mind agreed.
However, with her heart and mind distracting her from reality, Aqua had missed something. Terra had looked behind Aqua only to find Ventus crying uncontrollably. "Ven...?" Terra muttered as he went to him. Aqua snapped out of her trance and turned around only to encounter Ven in his wrecked state.

Ventus' eyes continued to cry even if he didn't want them too. His heart wept, for reasons unkown to him. "Ven, What's wrong?" Aqua asked, bending slightly to cup his cheeks, so that her thumbs could dry his moistened cheeks. Terra stood besides the two looking at Ventus, with great concern in his eyes. "I-I don't know. I-I don't know w-why I'm still crying. It's just, I can't stop" Ventus confessed, more bewildered than saddened. Ventus' heart trying to tell him something, but it couldn't. Whatever secret his heart was hiding wasn't making itself clear.

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