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(A/N: This particular part/chapter of the story is divided in two. Not "part 1" & "part 2", I mean that there will be two stories in different places. But, you'll see it for yourselves)

Akari's POV
I woke back up again. I turned my head to my right. I looked outside through the window and saw that the stars were still out. Despite the subtle shine of the rising sun. Stars could be seen...

Damn it!

It happened again. The same dreams plaguing my nights. Only this time, I put on a damn show! I showed them a part of me that..I'm not comfortable sharing...

After that I can't fall asleep. Even if my eyes would want it, I can't sleep. I won't sleep. I'm too afraid to do it. Afraid to be stuck there again and relive it all one more time. Night after night...

I got up from bed and decided to find a way to avoid sleeping. So I walked to my now-closed-door and slowly opened it again. Umbra must have closed it to "let me sleep in peace".

I looked around and it seemed as if the rest had fallen asleep. Thankfully, it seems they were able to find some sleep after my outburst. 'Oh well, I shouldn't bother anyone' I thought. So, I turned and slowly walked downstairs. With each step I took, I thought of what to do, but didn't seem to hit the mark as well as I wanted to.

Don't you all hate when that happens? When you look for what to do but end up not "clicking" with any of the options?

Well, I was like that, only that I needed a solution for now. Not for the near future. So, once I got downstairs I walked towards the living room.

I needed to think, get out of my head. I stopped walking and thought a bit, scratching my chin. I thought to myself: 'Music normally does the trick of distracting me. But what should I pick? Obviously something that doesn't wake up the others, but I'm not in the mood for anything specific... think, think, think. Maybe I should take something that reminds me of another thing... uhhhh, I saw stars so...'

"Starman, David Bowie. Living room. Low volume please" I said as I snapped my fingers. Soon enough I began to hear the stereo slowly, softly play. I began walking again towards the living room, but once I got past the small hallway I saw that the couch was already occupied.

Aqua was sitting in the couch.

No One's POV

Akari slightly jumped at finding Aqua in the living room, all quiet and such. The only thing breaking the silence in the room being the song that was softly playing.
Aqua looked outside, towards the night sky. Admiring the stars from outside. For her, the stars felt similar yet so different compared to the ones she saw back in the Land of Departure. She sighed and continued looking at the stars, barely having noticed that there was now music playing, or that Akari was behind her.

He kept his gaze on her. She was wearing blue sweatpants and a semi-loose white shirt. She was just looking out, to the stars that were still out in the sky. He felt calmed by the view. But, he was still surprised she hadn't noticed him.

He walked towards the kitchen, without making any noise and went towards the fridge. He opened the fridge's door and grabbed some water. He looked towards Aqua thinking that she might have noticed him, but she didn't.

He finished drinking his water and closed the fridge with a pretty loud bang. He walked back to the livingroom and found no change in her behavior.

'Is she ignoring me or is she that into her head?' Akari thought.

Akari back-stepped towards the dining room and knocked on the table. Aqua quickly turned with a gasp, finally noticing the company present in the room. She was about to get up when Akari interrupted. "You don't have to get up, you can stay there.. You couldn't sleep either?" Akari said. Aqua sat back down and nodded a 'yes'.

Kingdom Hearts 3.5: Passions of LightWhere stories live. Discover now