You know...

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Terra POV
Finally.. I was back...

I was relieved, yet a part of me felt unsure...

My worries were pushed aside as I looked at Aqua and Ventus, smiles on their faces.

My heart felt free, I felt happy...

"So, who is this new guy?" I asked Aqua and Ventus. Before Aqua could speak, Ven jumped at the opportunity to speak to me. "He's a keyblade wielder just like us! He's super strong and has been fighting Xehanort's Organization all on his own!" Ventus explained, excitedly. I couldn't bare but smile at his excitement, seeing how my return was already making Ven happier than he was. Aqua looked at me and smiled, thinking the same as me. I glanced back at this guy Ven was talking about. He walked slowly at first, but as I looked at him he seemed to be stretching out his arms and muscles. His tired pace of walking had completely changed into one up for the battle. 'Who was this person? How were they this strong?' I thought as I looked at his disappearing figure. Now getting closer to Xehanort. "Do you think he'll be alright?" I heard Ventus ask. I looked at him, standing still besides me. I smiled at him and raised my hand, placing it on his hair as I ruffled it a little bit. "I may not know him, but I'm confident that he will be fine. Besides, he did help us three get reunited, or am I wrong?" I reassured him. He looked at the ground a second or two and then looked my way. Giving a now confident smile. "And he helped us as well" I heard a voice say from behind me. When I looked back I saw three people in black cloaks, just like the ones Master Xehanort's Organization wore. Before I could do anything, Aqua placed a hand on my shoulder and gently shook her head. It seemed these people weren't our enemies. I looked at them, a guy with red hair, a girl and...someone who looks exactly like Ven.

"Wait a minute. Why do you look like Ven?" I asked, my head starting to hurt. From behind me walked Sora, we now formed a tiny circle as we looked at Sora. "It's really a long story. I don't know if I can explain it very well, but later I'll try. Hehe, man I hope our new friend can help me explain it better. He seemed to understand what happened" Sora said, scratching the back of his neck with a smile. I grabbed my chin in between my index finger and thumb, trying to get a sense of it all. Unknowingly, Aqua turned towards King Mickey as she noticed him a bit too quiet. "Is everything alright your Highness?" Aqua asked. We turned our attention to the king. He looked with concern towards the battle field, his mind a puzzled maze of thoughts and doubts. "It is not making any sense. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that our new found ally is helping us a big bunch, but there is so little we know about him. Why does he want to stop the Keyblade War? Why did we never see him until today? Who is this "master" that he keeps talking about?.. I-I'm sorry. It's just so unexpected and it's really hard to wrap my head around it.." King Mickey said. Tell me about it. Sincerely, I just arrived and it feels like I'm lost again. Everything surrounding this person is happening so fast it's hard to keep it all in order. I sigh and look at Akari. He stood in front of Xehanort. His blade at the ready as they stared at each other and seemed to be talking about something. I thought back to the time when I was still the Dark Figure. When Aqua and Ven plummeted to the ground in chains. When he grabbed them and tried to stop me, I felt something.. A heavy burden to bear. Not only that, but he felt quite.. lonely.. like if something was missing...

I felt like that once..

I hope he finds what he is looking...

No One's POV
Back with Akari, he stood in silence in front of Xehanort. Xehanort swatted at the air and managed to break the bronze sword. He turned to Akari, forming an evil grin. "It seems you're getting weaker. I do applaud your brave attempt to thwart my plans for the Keyblade War, but alas, it's the end of your struggle for the inevitable" Xehanort said extending his arms out. Akari stood silently and did not speak. Xehanort lowered his arms and looked at him, examining him almost. "Before you're..dealt with.. I must ask, tiredly, who are you? How did you and I, or any of my other selves, never encounter each other before?.." Xehanort said. Before continuing, he looks at his black Keyblade. He tilts his wrist slightly and looks directly at the blue and green eye which is close to the tip of the keyblade. He looks at Akari once again. "How did The Gazing Eye not see you in our fates?" Xehanort asked. A smirk appeared on Akari's face. "Maybe this was never meant to be.." Akari said. Xehanort's smirk faded and was replaced by a raised eyebrow. It was as if the world around them stopped and they could only hear and see each other.
"You can't use the Eye, because it isn't yours. It already has a master..the one who gave you the key..." Akari said. "How...?" Xehanort was about to continue. "This wasn't even your plan. You, manipulator of fates, were a mere puppet for the purpose of someone else's desires. Thirteen darknesses and Seven lights, it was all a ploy from the very start, so that a man could get his revenge" Akari said with an idea in mind. "Hah! I bet that even your desire for a better World were planted by him..." Akari teased. "Enough!" Xehanort shouted. Akari looked at him, the outcome was as expected. "My purpose is mine and mine alone! *small cough* My plan was my own and my drive, absolute. This World must be returned whence it started. The World began in darkness. And from that darkness came light~" Xehanort said. "From the light came the people, and the people had hearts.." Akari said. "Yes. Evil burgeoned in those hearts, begetting more darkness. And the darkness spread across the World like a plague. The light, the symbol of the World's hope, was devoured by shadow" Xehanort said. Akari looked away at the lifeless keys. "Leaving nothing but ruin... An utter failure.." Akari said. "Yes! But, the first light—the light of Kingdom Hearts—it can give us a new start. An empty World, pure and bright..." Xehanort said. Akari waited a moment before speaking again. "It sounds beautiful.." Akari said. "It is! You get me! You understand what I am going to achieve, yet you fight against me?! Why fight an opportunity for a better World, for a better life?" Xehanort said. "Because it is not our decision to make. Not yours nor mine" Akari said. "Then whose is it? The World needs someone to stand up and lead. Someone strong, to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness. Someone to dictate their destiny" Xehanort said. "If that's the case, then no one in this graveyard is worthy of such a task. Not one person can dictate the destiny of others. We dictate our destiny, but if we try to dictate the destiny of the ones around us, the burden would be too much. That or the people will fight to take back what was lost.. If the World was meant to be cleansed, then it should be decided by more than one. One person is biased, whereas a group has more control over the outcome that might benefit people the most.. what you want to do is something noble. On that we agree. But, I'm so disappointed that someone like you, that knows how life itself can be so..despicable, would not see beyond such things" Akari said. Xehanort was surprised by his argument but his determination did not falter.

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