Chapter One - Prologue

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Chapter One - Prologue

The ground was cold in the Interdimensional Archives, or so that is what Rivet thought. She had been sitting there for a while, cradling her knees and prosthetic arm. The emperor had won again, he got the dimensional map. Ratchet was gone as was Clank, Emperor Nefarious had sent them through a rift to Zordoom prison. Despite that, what weighed heaviest on her mind was Kit. The new robot companion she had befriended was the same one that had attacked her, which is what took her right arm from her. She was shocked, scared, and sobbing. She had thought she had made a friend, that she had a partner, but it was not meant to be.

She looked over her prosthetic arm, the memories flashed back to the day she lost it. The day kit had attacked her while she attempted to break into Nefarious tower. She escaped that day, but she had suffered a horrible injury to her right arm, which required amputation. If it was not for the Morts on Sargasso, she would have lost more than her arm. She remembered the pain of the prosthetic implant being implanted into her shoulder. It had been the worst experience of her life. Finally, Rivet stood up. She turned around and left the Interdimensional Archives. One thing, she knew for certain. She had to save Ratchet and Clank from Zordoom prison. No matter what. Rivet ran back to her Royal Starship and jumped in and plotted a course for the planet Viceron.

Emperor Nefarious was overjoyed, back in his tower he was scrolling through the dimensional map. He and the original Doctor Nefarious were there. The emperor was plotting his next move, he knew a final showdown with Rivet was coming. He needed to be prepared for it. His goal was to take over every dimension, to become the supreme ruler. However, he had to handle Rivet first. Scrolling through the dimensional map, the emperor found something of note. It was a dimension that had been taken over by the great Emperor Pervical Tachyon.

"How could THAT buffoon take command of something?" The emperor said.

What had really caught his eye, were some of the notes made about the dimension. At the time it was last updated, there were three lombaxes. One of course was a dimensional counterpart to Rivet, Nefarious was not surprised by this. There was something else though, a notation that this dimension was the home of the only warbot of its kind. An experimental warbot created from lombax technology that had been destroyed in all other dimensions. The emperor continued reading, learning that this warbot which had been aptly named the Preliminary Assassination Prototype 115, had the specific and only design to eliminate lombaxes with lethal force. This was what the emperor needed, a robot that could kill lombaxes, one that was built with that sole purpose in mind. He continued his research, and learned that the warbot was in fact controlled now by the resistance in this dimension. The emperor laughed.

"Well, how about we make a short trip?" He said to Doctor Nefarious. The emperor then opened a Rift, he grabbed the doctor and tossed him through it.

It was hot, today it was hotter than it normally was on Oozla. The many swamps that covered the planet were a buzz with life. Insects were flying, local fauna were going about their everyday. Oozla was a rather uninhabited planet that was always teeming with wildlife, mostly due to the heavy amounts of water and foliage. It was a beautiful, colorful planet with many secrets. Some secrets were bigger than others. Arex trudged through the swamps, the water-pump had stopped working in the only swamp with clean water near by and he needed to ensure it was functional again. The sweltering heat did little for the Lombax, the humidity had made his fur heavy and damp. It was most likely just another Sharkgator that had messed with the lines, those things could be so annoying! Arex, trudged through the waist high water to the pump, and sure enough one of the cables that connected it to the near-by generator had been chewed through. Arex sighed, this had been the fourth time this week he had to change the power cord. Arex unhooked the power cord from the back of the pump and followed it back to shore. He made sure to carefully watch his step so he didn't himself end up with a Sharkgator bite. He then approached the generator and turned it off. Luckily, the generator itself was in excellent condition. Arex unplugged the mangled powercable and wound it up on his arm, hooking it to his belt. He then plugged the new one in and once again, trudged back through the water to the water pump. Something every Lombax hates? Wet fur. Arex's brown fur was soaked. His boots were completely water-logged, even his ears were damp at this point from the humidity. He hooked the generator up to the pump and let out an exasperated sigh. He then walked back to shore and attempted to shake some of the water off, but to no avail. He could feel the wet fur in his boots, which caused his feet to slide around in them. Thankfully, that was all that needed to be done. It was time to head home.

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