Chapter Five - Storm Kedaro Station

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Chapter 5

Ratchet's eyes flung open, and he sat up in the small bed quickly. He was panting, heavily. A cold sweat was over his body. He had been dreaming.

"Yup, I'm still here." He said and then plopped back down in the bed. Ratchet had now given up on an escape. There was no way out of the cell he was in. He tossed and turned in his bed, it was uncomfortable. His mind kept drifting, it always drifted back to the fight on Sargasso. It drifted back to Rivet and Clank. He had no idea if she was alive or dead. He had no idea if Clank was alive or dead. He also knew, that if he did not think of something soon, he would be dead. Ratchet rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Ratchet then slowly drifted back to sleep.

Somewhere in space, Switch and Clank were on their way to Zurkies. Clank had a plan, and it was a good one.

"So, run me through this one more time." Switch said, she was flying the starship.

"It is fairly simple. When Ratchet and Kit were rebuilding the dimensionator to ensure Ratchet and I could get back to our dimension the first time, they ended up at the Rubion Forge on the planet of Cordelion. Ratchet told me all about it.  It was where Emperor Nefarious of this dimension was performing experiments and building his army. I anticipate after the fierce battle with Ratchet, Rivet, and Kit on Sargasso that the emperor would have had Lynx taken there to be repaired. We are going to go in and get him. I have full confidence that if Ratchet and Kit could do it. You and I can do it." Clank said.

Switch sighed, "That all sounds great, but I'm not really a fighter. I mean, well.. Yes I can fight but it's not what I do. Like, what if I can't shut him down? What if this emperor has overridden my programming? He's programmed to attack lombaxes right now. If I can't shut him down, he could kill us both." Switch responded, she looked at Clank.

"If you can not shut him down, it is very likely he will hunt us down anyway. We must save Ratchet and the others and we must get Rivet back on her feet. Truly, right now it all weighs on you, Switch." He said as he matched her gaze. Switch was nervous, while she was a capable fighter, it was not her normal job. She was an inventor, a scientist.

She nodded at Clank, "Right... all weighs on me. Well, I'm going to try." She said.

"First, we need some weapons. We need to see Mrs. Zurkon. She has many weapons to pick from." Clank said.

Switch then landed the ship on one of the many landing pads that were scattered around the space station. The hatch opened and Switch jumped out, Clank followed her out as he hooked himself to Switch's back. She looked around on the space station, freighters were coming and going in great amounts. She was not used to being somewhere public like this, in her dimension whenever the lombaxes went out they had to hide themselves. She felt uncomfortable, exposed. She ran up the set of stairs and there was Mrs. Zurkon.

"Hello there Sugar! What can Mrs. Zurkon do for you!?" she said.

"Uhhh, well I guess I need to buy some weapons?" Switch said and shrugged. Clank chuckled.

Mrs. Zurkon's head darted from left to right, "I don't recognize you! Secret Agent Zurkon needs to be careful, I'm sorry hun."

"Telling me you're a secret agent isn't very secret you know..." Switch said and crossed her arms.

Mrs. Zurkon froze and did not say anything, there was an awkward silence between them, "Well let me show you what I got in stock!" she said. Switch smiled. Switch then browsed Zurkon's inventory.

"I have added you to Rivet's account! You can now access her weapons. That poor thing. I hope she is okay." Mrs. Zurkon said.

Switch giggled and smiled, "Don't worry, she'll be fine. She's just a little banged up." Switch continued to browse the inventory and subsequently the weapons in Rivet's account. She was astonished at the amount of guns Rivet had. She carefully selected a few. She settled on a Headhunter, Lightning Rod, and Shatterbomb.

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