Chapter Eight - Colliding Dimensions

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Chapter 8 - Colliding Dimensions

On Veldin, Ratchet was working in his garage. He was working on the thrusters for a Star Explorer class starship. He had been working on it all day with Clank assisting him. Having used a ship very similar to this for many years, Ratchet was quite familiar with the slip-space drive and thruster assembly. This was how Ratchet spent his years now, he fixed ships and enjoyed helping others. It had been years since the two heroes had done anything other than the life they were living right now. They almost seemed retired.

"Ratchet, did you see the message from Qwark?" Clank said. He was nearby, checking the messages on Ratchet's holoterminal. There was one from Qwark on it, it had been sent the day before.

"Qwark sent us a message!?" Ratchet said as he then slid out from under the ship. He tried to stand up quickly, which had resulted in him smacking his head on one of the large thrusters on the Star Explorer vessel. He rubbed his head, "Ouch, ouch, ouch." He said.

Clank did his best to hold back a laugh, "Would you like me to play it for you?" he said.

"Yeah! Let's hear what he has to say. We haven't heard from him in ages." Ratchet said. Clank then pressed the play button. Qwark's hologram came to life in front of them.

"Ratchet! Clank! It is my pleasure to inform you that we will be hosting a parade in honor of our thre- I mean two greatest heroes! Not me, but you and Clank! Everyone in Megapolis wants to celebrate our greatest heroes. It will be one week from today, please be there or I'll have to make the parade all about me!" Qwark said, the message then ended.

"A parade? For us!?" Ratchet exclaimed.

"It would appear so! I am quite excited about it." Clank said.

"Yeah, but we're not really heroes anymore, Clank."Ratched responded.

"Well, I think we should still go. I think it will be great fun." Clank said. Clank had known about the parade, he himself had a hand in planning it. At the parade, Clank was planning to gift Ratchet with the dimensionator so they could go find the other lombaxes together. A token of friendship for his best friend.

"If you say so pal, what if we're too washed up though?" Ratchet said.

Clank chuckled, "Do not worry Ratchet. What is the most that could happen? It is just a parade in which we will be smiling and waving at people." Clank said.

"Well, Let's go then! Maybe it will be fun. Maybe I can jump on the balloons!" Ratchet said.

Clank laughed, "Yes, Maybe."

Ratchet then went back to work on the starship.

Ratchet woke up in the hut on Savali, all of the lombaxes had chose to stay in the same hut. He was sharing a room with Lockyn. Lockyn had slept on the floor and Ratchet was on the bed. He sat up in the bad and rubbed his face. That dream, he had it quite often now. The words from Clank, about what is the worst that could happen, rang continuously in his head. The parade had led to everything. The dimensionator, Nefarious, Rivet, Emperor Nefarious, it was continuous. So many things had happened as a direct result of that parade.

"You awake?" Lockyn said.

Ratchet was startled, he was not expecting him to be awake, "Um, yeah. What's up?" Ratchet said.

"I can't sleep either. Just doesn't feel right. Look, Ratchet, do you think we stand a chance against this Emperor?" Lockyn sat-up from on the floor and looked at him.

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