Chapter Six - Five Fuzz

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Chapter Six - Five Fuzz

On Carson V, the Emperor had returned from Sargasso. He had gone there to ensure that the planet was sufficiently under his control. The few Morts there that had survived his massacre were being ruled over by the Nerfarious Troopers. The emperor knew that eventually, the lombaxes would attempt to retake Sargasso. Now that he had lost PAP-115 and the red lombax had escaped he had to make sure nothing was left to chance. He was not worried though, with KT-7461 back on his side he was certain he could still defeat the lombaxes. The emperor was sure that PAP-115 and the red lombax would go to Sargasso first. There was still a piece of the puzzle he was missing though; Rivet.

The emperor still did not know if she was alive or dead. In the time that had gone by since their battle on Sargasso, he still had not heard any news related to the rebel lombax. He knew she had sustained major injuries during the fight, that much was obvious.

The emperor was sitting at his desk, he tapped his chin. KT-7461 had remained on Sargasso for the time being. He was toying with another idea as well, a back up plan for the lombaxes. He typed the intercom on his desk.

"Cindy, the forge, have the biomorph creatures been recaptured?" he said. There was silence for a moment.

"My emperor, our staff at Kedaro Station is reporting that both biomorph creatures have been recaptured." Cindy responded. The emperor then rubbed his chin again.

"Is the forge operational again? Kedaro station is working as normal?" He said.

"All things are being reported as fully functional again my majesty!" she said. He clicked the button on the intercom and hung up. He turned to the monitor wall behind him and stared. The emperor then let out a laugh and pulled out the dimensionator, he then tapped a few buttons. The emperor wound the crack and opened a rift to Kedaro station. He then walked through it, he was ready to begin work on his backup plan.

On Savali; Switch, Rivet, Linx, and Clank were still going over plans to get their friends out of Zordoom prison and off of Viceron. They were all seated in the small hut Rivet and Clank had been staying in. Rivet had a plan.

"So, when I busted Bolts and Ratchet out of there before they had not been moved to maximum security yet. I bet the emperor has already got it done this time." She said, "Last time, I found my way into the warden's office. Switch, if you and Clank can make your way in there and hack into the prison's systems Linx and I can make our way to maximum security." Rivet said, she was seated at a table. She had her feet up and was deep in thought. They had been going over scrapped plans for hours. The problem they could not figure out how to hurdle was the timing. They had to be fast, and get into the prison's security system while simultaneously rescuing the others. Even with Linx, it was going to be an extremely difficult task.

"I expect this time we will see more forces then we did last time, Rivet." Clank said

"Yeah... I figured as much. They probably weren't too happy about last time." She said with a slight giggle.

Switch was at the terminal nearby, she was in the middle of going over the many documents related to Zordoom on the extranet. She turned around to look at Rivet and Clank, "Okay, so, you have both been here before. Maximum security is pretty far from the warden's office and processing area. This is going to leave us very split up. I don't like it, Lynx is good but he's not invincible." She said.

"You know I am fully capable of handling it, Switch." Linx said, he was standing near Switch with his arms crossed.

"Well, I know you like to think you are. Remember, Rivet is going to be piloting you. You can't take as many chances." Switch said in response. She then put her face in her palms.

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