Chapter Four - Switch It Up!

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Chapter 4

With her arm dangling and unusable, Rivet ran away from the warbot. She was running as fast as she could, doing her best to get away. She had been trying to sneak into Nefarious tower, the resistance had found a secret entrance. She thought she could do it alone, but she was wrong. Rivet, while she was attempting to hotwire a door to enter the tower was attacked by a Nefarious warbot that was lurking nearby. It was giant, a hulking monster that had seriously burned Rivet's right arm with its eye lasers. The lombax stopped, her left hand was cradling her severely burned right arm. She was in excruciating pain, but her adrenaline kept her going. Rivet was panicking, she looked in all directions as she ran. She was amazed to see the warbot had not followed her. The warbot was nowhere to be seen. Rivet needed to get back to Sargasso, she knew that she was hurt bad. Rivet, still holding her right arm with her left jumped into her starship. She was now beginning to feel the pain more and more now. She then tried to lift her right arm. It hurt so much when she attempted to move it, the burned flesh and nerves screamed. The smell of her own burnt flesh was filling the cabin of her starship. Rivet knew the injury was bad, she then fired up the engines. She plotted a course straight to Sargasso, she was going back home now.

When Rivet arrived home, she fell out of the starship. She fell face-first onto the ground, the pain running through her body was so intense she was close to passing out. The Morts, some of Rivet's friends, saw her fall out of her starship. They ran up to her and gasped at her burned arm. Rivet looked up at them, just as they all approached her. Her arm felt like it was on fire, she then passed out from the pain. The Morts called for Trudi, who then picked Rivet up and flew Rivet to her hideout.

Rivet finally came to, weeks later. She woke up in a cold sweat, her arm was hurting. She looked around as she tried to push herself up out of bed. She was having trouble. Rivet tried to move her right arm to lean on it so she could sit up. She then fell right back down into the bed. Confused, she then looked down. She gasped as she looked down at her torso. Her entire right-arm had been removed at the shoulder. Rivet started to hyper-ventilate from the sight. She started to claw at the bandages to get them off. She knew her arm was somewhere, maybe it was tied up under the bandages. One of the Morts who had stayed with Rivet in her hideout saw her get-up and begin to panic. He ran over.

Rivet continued to claw at the bandages, she was panicking now. Mort ran over and jumped up on her bed. He put his hand on her shoulder, "My dear Rivet please stop, don't take them off."

Rivet who was now in tears and in nearly a state of shock continued to claw at the bandages, "Rivet please, you were hurt. You were hurt real bad. We tried to help you but we -.... We did everything we could." Mort said. He rested his hand on Rivet's left hand, which was ripping at her bandages. She looked at Mort.

"It was an infection my girl, we couldn't stop it. We even tried givin' ya some of trudi's medicine. It didn't help a bit. We knew you was going to die if we didn't do something fast. We did what we could." Rivet sobbed; Mort hugged her. The Morts had saved her life. Rivet sobbed into Mort's shoulder uncontrollably.

Rivet woke up from her dream. The dream was the same every time, it was always the day she was attacked and the amputation that followed. What took her arm was an infection that developed from the open and severe burn. The Morts had explained to her that they had two options, either to remove her arm or to let her die from the infection. She looked around and tried to move, her whole body was racked with pain and it was beginning to come through strong now that she was awake. Rivet had no idea where she was, she just knew it was not her hideout. She fought through the pain and tried to get up again. This time, she sat up on the edge of the bed she had been sleeping on. She remembered some of the events that had transpired, but not all of them. She remembered fighting the emperor and a robot that resembled a lombax. Rivet then looked down at her body. She gasped as she saw that her robot arm was missing. Her upper torso was covered in bandages. Rivet, for a second, thought she might have still been in a dream. The pain in her body that she was feeling was very real. She began to rip at the bandages, she needed to see just how much damage was done.

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