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"So you can lie lie lie lie lie lie, go ahead and try try try try try, it won't work this time time time time time, I'll kiss yo," Ricky starts coughing. "I'll kiss your ass good-bye bye bye bye bye, I'll kiss your ass goodbye." Ricky sings into the microphone.

"Okay, Richard that was good. Go get some water and we'll try again." The director says.

"Okay, thanks." He gets off the stage and comes over to me.

I hug him. "That's was great baby, are you okay though?" I feel his forehead.

"Yeah I'm fine, my throats just soar from all the practicing."

Ricky has been becoming super famous recently and has been singing on all different shows and getting some awards for his music. I'm so proud of him but I think he's pushing himself too hard.

"Babe you've been saying that for weeks now, are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine, really. Don't worry, it's probably just allergies I'll get over it." He kisses my cheek and walks away.

Yeah, allergies in the middle of fall. like I believe that.


"Babe do you have any throat lozenges!?" Ricky yells from the bathroom.

"Yeah they're in the medicine cabinet." As I walk into the bedroom.

"Found em! Thanks for letting me stay for the weekend." He walks back into the bedroom.

"Of course, hey I called the doctor this morning. You have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at 9."

"What? No babe." He whines.

"Okay fine, if you think there's nothing wrong with you I'll cancel it."

"There isn't, I promise."

"Okay, but you're still going."

"But you just said.."

"You're very gullible you know?"



"Hello Richard, what brings you in today?" The doctor says as he walks in.

"I'm fine really, he made me." Ricky points at me.

"Well we'll see about that." He walks over to me.


"Well Richard, I don't really know how to say this but you have nodes." The doctor says as he hands Ricky the paper.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's the rubbing together of your vocal chords at above average rates and it puts strain on your voice and can damage it." Ricky and the doctor say at the same time.

"I see you've done your research. It requires surgery as soon as possible, once you get them removed you'll have to be slow with regaining your voice and you might not be able to sing again."

"What?!" Ricky yells.

"Ah, calm down. Don't yell that'll make it worse."

"But if I can't sing my career will be over."

"I know, but Adele had the surgery and she turned out fine."

"But what if it doesn't work for me?"

"That depends on how soon you get them removed, the sooner the better chance you'll have of getting your voice back."



Ricky is about to go into surgery, he's clearly scared. I'm scared for him.

"I'm scared baby, what if my voice isn't the same again?" He asks.

"Hey, if it isn't. It'll be ok, you're family will still love you, I'll still love you."

"But, but...." He starts to breath heavily.

"Sssssshhhh. It's ok, it'll be ok." I pull him against my chest as he starts to cry.

"Richard Taylor," The nurse opens the door. "You can come in now."

There will be a part 2, don't worry!
Thx for reading

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