A sour holiday

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I'm sitting on the couch when I hear Ricky from the kitchen.

"Ah! Shit! Shit! Shit! shit! Shit!"

I walk into the kitchen and the smoke alarm starts going off.

"Whats wrong baby?" I grab a towel and fan it.

"I burnt the turkey." He says showing me the charred turkey in the pan.


"Who's idea was it to have us host thanksgiving this year?"

"Uh, mine."

"Well would you mind getting another turkey or ham at least from the store when you go to pick up Adrien."

"Yeah, I'll do my best, it's a holiday. I should probably go now."


"Daddy!!" Adrien runs up to me and hugs my waist.

"Hey buddy, how was your sleepover? Were you good?"

"It was fun, aunty G taught me how to draw."

As I pick him up. "Ooooo, we have to go to the store cause guess what."

"Dad burnt another turkey?"



Ricky POV:

I hear the door open as I come downstairs.

"Dad! Guess what, guess what, guess what." Adrien comes running towards me.


"Aunt Nini said you're a fun sucker." He runs up the stairs.


EJ walks over to me.

"I didn't know anything about that." He says.

"Am I really not The fun parent?"

"Well you do tend to be the one who punishes him."

"Well maybe if you started pitching in with the discipline part of being a dad then maybe the score would be even."

"But you tend to be a lot better with making reasonable decision."

"Well then I guess you better start learning."

"Well you know in a family there's always the fun parent," he gestures to himself. "And the not so fun parent." He starts to move his hands.

"Don't you dare move your hands towards me."

"Babe look I don't want to fight again, it's thanksgiving."

"Well neither do I but here we are."

"Look I'm just trying to be a good parent, and give Adrien what I never had." EJ says.

"Well I'm sorry for ruining your plans of sitting on the couch all day until Adrien comes home, you couldn't even bother to do the dishes last night when I asked you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to."

"Y-you didn't know how to?! All you had to do was put the dishes in the dishwasher and put a pod in and wait till I got home to start it."

"Okay well what about the other million things you ask me to do?"

"Oh where can I start? Uh, you didn't take the trash out last week, you couldn't bother to replace the toilet paper, and..." I stop when I hear crying from upstairs.

"Look I'm sorry, can we just try and make through thanksgiving?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry to." I hug him, he kisses me.

I go upstairs and sit next to Adrien at the top of the stairs.

"Are you and daddy gonna break up?" He asks crying.

"What? No, of course not. Never in a million years." I hug him.

We try not to fight around Adrien, his birth parents fought a lot when they still had him and they abused each other and I think Adrien is worried that we're gonna end up like that.

"But-but." He tries to get out in between sobs.

"Hey," I take off my ring. "I want you to hold this."


"Do you know you gave that to me?"


"That's right, well have you noticed I never take it off?"

"Even when you fight?"

"Yeah, just because we fight doesn't mean we don't love each other."

"But what about that one time wh...."

"Ssssshhhhh, that was probably the worst fight we had. And both of us still feel so bad about it, cause that was right after we officially adopted you."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I started this fight."

"No, no you didn't."

"But i did, I only meant it as a joke." He barries his head in my chest.

"I know baby, I know. It's okay, just don't call me that again ok?"


"I love you, you know that?"

He nods.

"Probably even more than daddy." I add.



This one didn't go as planned, I'm still trying to figure out if I want to do a part two or if it's ok as is.
Thx for reading

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